One MAJOR omission from the article's list of Star Wars' science fiction precedents is Larry Niven. The "jump to hyperspace," rowdy bars full of gnarly aliens, and much of the humorous tone of the first movie came straight from Niven's "Known Space" series (Ringworld, World of Ptavvs, and scores of shorts). It's almost not worth mentioning because SW is such a watered-down version of Niven. (Oh well, I guess it is, because I just fired off a letter to Salon.) The article is funniest trashing the Lucas/Campbell synergy.
- tom moody 4-10-2002 10:07 pm

Lots of letters got published today in response to the Star Wars article in Salon. My plug for Larry Niven, sadly, didn't make the cut. The one thing all the letters had in common was that they took the Salon article seriously. Mine didn't--sorry, Larry, I let you down.
- tom moody 4-18-2002 8:04 am [add a comment]

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