well he mentions the discreet charm of the bourgeoisie which was made in '72. i think he just wishes it were set in the late 60s. the exterior shots make me think 80s. just saw an ad for ballys park place casino on top of a cab that was prominent in a shot. the casino didnt open until 1980. he sure didnt work very hard to create the impression he later says he wanted.
- dave 8-18-2008 6:11 am

although i suppose he didnt have the internet at his fingertips to research these incongruities. but even the cab was more modern than mid-seventies. earlier he had used an older model which was more in keeping with his conception.

and he squirms out of it by proclaiming within the movie that its set "not so long ago." he should have just stuck with the temporal ambiguity.
- dave 8-18-2008 6:32 am [add a comment]

  • He mentions the Scribner's store which became a Brentano's and I believe it's now a Benetton store (he says something else).

    When your budget is 250,000 you can't do insane Oliver Stone-like recreations. It's much less interesting to me if set in the '60s.
    - tom moody 8-18-2008 2:22 pm [add a comment]

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