doh! my links didn't work. here is link for donnie darko:
- lb 8-16-2002 9:54 pm
- anonymous (guest) 8-16-2002 9:54 pm [add a comment]

I saw DD on the big screen and liked it a lot. It seems to have inspired a Jake G boomlet: besides L&A and the Anniston movie, he's in an upcoming weepie with Dustin Hoffman and Susan Sarandon (I forget the name). Judging from the preview, that one might be one to miss. I'll also say this here, apropos of nothing: I saw Signs and liked it a lot. The critical conventional wisdom is it's "better than Unbreakable but not as good as Sixth Sense": I'd say they're all good, and Shyamalan really has a vision. Joaquin Phoenix is a big reason to see Signs: he plays an interesting "normal guy." Also, Road to Perdition is OK, although I can't buy Tom Hanks as a hardened killer and the ending insults the audience's intelligence. I made it to Film Forum to see Kurosawa's High and Low--fantastic in widescreen. I hate the Film Forum, though--uncomfortable seats, awkward viewing angle, and an audience full of uptight single white guys. High and Low is a really macho movie, but it's also brilliant on every level--how come women don't want to see it?
- tom moody 8-16-2002 10:47 pm [add a comment]

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