waaaaah. [crtl+esc] im sure tati would have appreciated the irony with regards to the excesses of modernity.
- dave 12-27-2002 9:35 am

Saw "Playtime" last month on dvd. It had been years. He'd have loved internet cafes.
- steve 12-27-2002 10:13 am [add a comment]

  • that was my favorite of the three ive seen recently -- mon oncle, m. hulots holiday and playtime.
    - dave 12-27-2002 11:18 am [add a comment]

  • Mine too. I loved Holliday as a kid. I saw it again ten years ago and it seemed a bit stale. Sound has always been a big part of his films, he puts it to good use in Holliday but by Playtime he had it mastered. Some of the funniest bits are the "overly long" shots of people walking down office corridors, the endless tapping of their feet. In comparison Holliday seems too slapstick.
    - steve 12-27-2002 9:38 pm [add a comment]

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