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agee of communication

sarah silverman show co-star steve agee promised to read the name of every one of his followers if they reached 5000 by friday. hes living up to his end of the deal at five on the link above. earlier this week ashton kutcher took on cnn to be the first to a million viewers and won which had prompted this effort. cnn actually promoted their twitter account on air which is funny and shameless at the same time kind of like wolf blitzer.

- dave 4-18-2009 9:32 pm [link] [add a comment]

the new communication

favorite twitter moment of the day featuring john hodgman from the daily show and fatguy from apple ads & random fan

alenia: Sitting in the same row as @hodgman on the plane to new york
about 10 hours ago from twitterrific · Reply · View Tweet

hodgman: @alenia coincidentally, I am sitting in the same row as you.
about 10 hours ago from Tweetie · Reply · View Tweet ·

hodgman: @alenia and I both wonder why @jonathancoulton doesn't twitter much these days.
about 10 hours ago from Tweetie · Reply · View Tweet ·

alenia: @jonathancoulton you should twitter more. @hodgman thinks so tio
about 10 hours ago from twitterrific · Reply · View Tweet

- dave 4-18-2009 9:15 am [link] [5 comments]

heds up

couldnt be happier to have my favorite reporter in the twittosphere. been following his intrepid meanderings since highschool. what can i say, the man gives more than he takes.

- dave 4-15-2009 8:12 am [link] [add a comment]

bird calls

theyre dropping like flies (no pun intended) in the baseball world today. first phillies and nfl films longtime announcer harry kalas dies in the booth (way to commit!) and now the not so mighty mark fidrych. his death aped his career, it ended too soon.

- dave 4-13-2009 11:40 pm [link] [6 comments]

snark infested

You have to give David Denby credit for bravery: Writing a book titled Snark: It’s Mean, It’s Personal, and It’s Ruining Our Conversation is like writing a book titled Keying My Car: It’s the Wrong Thing to Do or Why Flaming Bags of Dog Poop on My Doorstep Just Aren’t Funny. You invite the transgression even as you decry it; you loose the hounds on yourself. Given Denby’s age (65) and position in the firmament (film reviewer for The New Yorker), he could have written the most concise, insightful, artfully balanced, and expertly argued book about snark and still come off like an Internet-age Andy Rooney, wagging his finger from his rocking chair at the boisterous kids on the lawn. And he has not written the most concise, insightful, artfully balanced, and expertly argued book about snark.

- dave 2-04-2009 6:29 am [link] [3 comments]

edge fund

"What game-changing scientific ideas and developments do you expect to live to see?"

- dave 1-09-2009 11:35 pm [link] [add a comment]


was curious about the facebook phenomenon so i created a page. earlier, i had received two queries (two more than i was expecting) from high school friends neither of which i responded to. but today i was thrown offstride when i got an email from a friend i hadnt heard from or probably thought much about since he moved out of our town in the fifth or sixth grade. he did remind me that we went to soccer camp together, a fact that had been scrubbed from my recollection of that adventure. the thick white bread used for the french toast in the cafeteria remains indelibly etched however.

- dave 12-16-2008 5:08 am [link] [add a comment]

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