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im an apeman

Ardi, of course, is short for Ardipithecus ramidus, one of the earliest hominins found to date. Her skeleton (see image below), as well as bits and pieces of other skeletons of the same species, were described this week in a special edition of the journal Science. While a close relative of Australopithecus afarensis (made famous by "Lucy"), Ardipithecus ramidus is about half a million years older than the earliest Australopithecus afarensis and is a bit closer to the last common ancestor between living chimpanzees and humans.* As such the remains of Ardi and her kind give us a closer look at how some of the earliest humans evolved.

- dave 10-03-2009 6:31 pm [link] [add a comment]

cat scratch fever

just a reminder about how brutal and corrosive psoriasis is, ive just run across a death metal band named after the disorder. rub it til it bleeds, bitches!

- dave 9-21-2009 9:21 pm [link] [3 comments]

patton pending

bill simmons chats up comedian patton oswald.

- dave 9-10-2009 11:11 pm [link] [add a comment]

beds too big without you

dear duvet cover,

i hate that its come to this but i think we can no longer see each other. i put up with your poofy ruff cuz, frankly, my friends said you were great in bed. and while it sounds sexy that your buttons are constantly coming undone , in truth, well, it just makes you seem cheap. now, i know im no picnic when the lights go down what with the tossing and turning and night terrors to say nothing of the scratching and the bleeding (you are tender nursing my wounds), but between you, me and the comforter i think its time we parted ways. ill always cherish the first few moments we have together every night as i meet your cool embrace but i cant stand seeing you every morning balled up on the floor all wrinkled and begging for a fix. it just cant go on, and neither can you. call me if you ever get youself zipped up.

your snuggly bare,


- dave 8-22-2009 10:21 pm [link] [1 ref] [4 comments]

run to you

walked down to east river park a couple of times this week and plunk my lazy ass down by the track near 6th st. i dont have enough in me to exercise but i can manage to watch others sweat and strain. and i can still muster up the energy to be annoyed by something. each time ive been there one person on the track has decided to run against traffic much to my consternation. why when everyone is running counterclockwise must someone go against the grain? one wonders why everyone is running counterclockwise but i think that is the norm. maybe it has to do with handedness.

- dave 7-23-2009 6:09 pm [link] [1 ref] [6 comments]

duly footnoted

group blogging the reading of infinite jest.

- dave 7-02-2009 3:24 am [link] [add a comment]

green with envy

went out. missed the big jets news. decided to roll the dice on a quarterback. that last one worked out well, right? what was his name?

- dave 4-26-2009 10:22 am [link] [2 comments]

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