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100 Best English Language Novels vb
We note with interest Time Magazine's recent feature: Lev Grossman & Richard Lacayo pick the 100 best English language novels of the last 80 years. (Note: this is propably the first time in ages we have noted anything interesting in Time Magazine). Best Of (more accurately: "Favourite Picks") lists are chock full o'subjectivity and tons of fun to argue about. I tend to agree with most of the people who have seen Time's list that it actually is not that bad, as far as these lists go. The list even includes PKD's novel Ubik. I think it is good that they included PKD, but I recall Ubik being one of his weaker books. (There, now I have just spent the last hour fumbling online, looking for PKD fan's survey rating their favourite PKD novels, but I couldn't find it again. Oh well). I vaguely recall that Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep and Man in The High Castle rated fairly well. My persoanl favourites are Flow My Tears and A Scanner Darkly. The latter is soon to be released as an animated movie by Richard Linklatter in the rotoscoped style of Waking Life. Sounds neato.

Update: we saw the movie version of A Scanner Darkly. Sure is trippy!

- sally mckay 7-13-2006 4:23 am [link]