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Word of the Day #1: Faience vb
Faience is my favourite word for tin-glazed earthenware pottery. That A I E umlat thang is so sexy. References to pottery creep up in the work of Philip K. Dick in Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said and of course The Galactic Pot-Healer. The latter book also included an unearthly premonition of The Babel-Fish Game, the use of flawed computer-generated language translations programs to create texts like this:
There are only ten of us and there are ten million fighting somewhere in front of you, so get your onions up and we will throw up the truce flag. Oh, please let me up; Leo, Leo! Oh, yeh! No, No; I don't...please! Please shift me. Police are here; communistic...strike...baloneys...Please; honestly it is a habit I get; sometimes I give it and sometimes I don't. Oh, not; I am all in; say... that settles it. Are you sure? Please, he eats like a little baloney sausage maker. Please, let me get in and eat. Let him harass himself to you and then bother you. Please... Don't ask me to go there; I don't want to. I still don't want him in the path. Please, Leo, Leo; I was looking for someone. Meet my lady, Mrs. Pickford, and I'm sorry I acted that way so soon, already. Sure, it is no need to stage a riot. The sidewalk was in trouble and the bears were in trouble and I broke it up.

- sally mckay 7-13-2006 4:23 am [link]