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thought season one was stronger than last nights episode but i may have made a couple of converts when i wasnt being castigated for a single trivia error. i still contend its kurt russell in road house and not patrick swayze.

And You’re the Worst just gets me most of all. The FXX comedy,  which returned for a second season last night, was my no. 2 show of 2014. But that list, which I stand behind, was written mostly with my brain. If my heart were in charge, You’re the Worst would have been no. 1 — riding a unicorn, swigging from an overflowing goblet of Trash Juice. It’s the sort of series I want to treasure as much as champion. I’m happy to stay up late arguing with anyone about the bold artistry of The Americans or Top of the Lake. But it’s You’re the Worst that I want to tuck me in at night.

- dave 9-10-2015 11:36 am [link] [add a comment]

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