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another comedy bang bang preview. premieres june 8th on ifc.

- dave 4-18-2012 6:58 pm [link] [add a comment]

tonight is the premiere of the judd apatow produced girls on hbo, a comedy about the trials and tribulation of a bunch of twenty-something dames in brooklyn. i will get to it as soon as i finish watching game of thrones, the killing, eastbound and down, the borgias, bobs burgers and huff some glue. i believe the last one is on bravo.

- dave 4-16-2012 2:08 am [link] [add a comment]

busy night for the dvr. game of thrones returns as does the killing on amc. i had vowed to bail on the latter of the two but will give the two hour premiere a go though one reviewer i generally like says its only a slight improvement over last year.

still vying for my attention tonight... mad men, shameless, the fox animation block and house of lies. thats 7 1/2 hours of tv which is probably more than i can find the rest of the week worth recording.
- dave 4-01-2012 6:11 pm [link] [3 comments]

long national nightmare blah blah blah...

- dave 3-29-2012 3:23 pm [link] [3 comments]

Hogans heroes (1965) clearly drew from stalag 17 (1953) and the great escape (1963) But today Tcm ran a Brit film from 1962 called the password is courage that seems even closer to the tv show In it's sense of humor, plot and character identities.

From HH wiki entry:

The producers of the 1953 feature film Stalag 17, a World War II prisoner of war film released by Paramount Pictures (which now owns the DVD rights to Hogan's Heroes), unsuccessfully sued Bing Crosby Productions for infringement.[15][not in citation given] In his book, My War, Andy Rooney, who was a friend of Don Bevan and Ed Trzcinski—the authors of the original Stalag 17 play—relates that "...someone at CBS apparently ripped off their idea and made a television series called Hogan's Heroes of it. The television program had too many similarities in character and plot to be coincidental, and when Don and Ed sued the network they won a huge award."[16]

- bill 3-28-2012 10:02 pm [link] [add a comment]

Breaking Bad, season 4 episode 10. Wow!
- steve 3-28-2012 1:45 pm [link] [3 comments]

Cooper is smart enough to be a coward. He knows what was true then and, sadly, is still true today. Will white consumers abandon a product once its brand is too black? Yes, they will. Will black consumers abandon a product once its brand is too black? Yes, not wanting to be stereotyped, they will. Even as multicultural image campaigns rightly lobby for more and better black representation in commercials, and as much as America now embraces the endorsement of certain black celebrities, the politically incorrect truth is that there’s a tipping point. The moment a product is “ghetto,” white consumers are gone—and then black consumers are gone, too.

- dave 3-27-2012 4:11 pm [link] [add a comment]

ive got the premium package (at a reduced rate for a year) so i get every movie channel and i am just astounded at the paucity of selection and the repetition. im sure the networks will blame the studios for the rates they charge to air the back catalog but its immensely frustrating to have 50 movie channels with nothing worth watching that hasnt run 100 times before in the prior six months. if neflix streamings selection is any guide, i assume the studios will have to be dragged kicking and screaming into a full catalog streaming future at a reasonable fixed rate.

- dave 3-25-2012 3:38 am [link] [14 comments]

But like the Komodo dragon or Kirk Cameron, a few Golden Age shows remain in production even if their evolutionary time has passed. Larry David will keep kvetching as long as there's bile in his body, and the brilliant Breaking Bad has one more batch of crystal to cook. But with three full seasons stretching out before us like the red carpet at the Clios, Mad Men will be the last of the Golden Age shows to grace our flat-screens. With a typically outstanding new episode, the first in 17 months, due to premiere on Sunday, it's worth asking: Is it also the best?

- dave 3-23-2012 10:22 pm [link] [4 comments]

Just watched Game Change. Fucking terrifying.

- mark 3-23-2012 9:25 am [link] [add a comment]

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