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I did a lot of work on the back end over the weekend. Best stretch of work on this project I've managed in quite some time. And now I'm almost ready to start in on the new version of the uploaded image system, which right now is rather simplistic. This was fine to start, but now some people have so many photos on the server that grouping them in one long list is a bit cumbersome. I have a lot of ideas (many thanks to a good conversation I had with Tom Moody,) but the more I think about it, the more complex and far fetched my ideas have become. Plans tend toward kitchensinkism. This is good, because it allows me to grind through all the dark alleys and back corners of possibility, but I've learned not to start serious work until my ideas are on their way back towards something more simple. And this isn't just because I'm not the best builder.
- jim 11-19-2001 3:59 pm [link] [add a comment]

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