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I've been writing a little about the new system over here [update: I moved that page to here]. Not very interesting stuff. More like notes to myself. But I think I will continue this trend and write anything pertaining to the software I'm writing over there, and try to get this page back on a slightly more personal track. Still, it will remain largely about computers and the internet I'd guess.
- jim 3-12-2002 3:28 pm [link] [add a comment]

The Artist-in-Residence Program at Sanitary Fill Company, a 44 acre solid waste transfer and recycling center in San Francisco. Why do I want to nominate Bill for this position? (via caterina.net)
- jim 3-11-2002 4:29 pm [link] [4 comments]

Here are some links to posts on the other site explaining what I've been up to. Here is a description of the new feature I'm most excited about [note: I updated this link on 3/14/02] . I'm calling it "reference logging." It's sort of like back links in a wiki, except they can extend out to any other site on the web. And here's a much too long general explanation of the new site. It's just a place for me to experiment with the next generation of the software that runs this site. I'm looking for people who would be interested in using it so that I can get more feedback. Here's a page that is already using the new system. Comments are very much appreciated.
- jim 3-10-2002 8:54 pm [link] [1 comment]

David Weinberger (JOHO) on the web as utopia. Thought provoking as always.
- jim 3-10-2002 4:32 pm [link] [add a comment]

Some guys have all the luck. I dropped my camera in the toilet and was out one camera. This guy dropped his in the river, and now it's magic (from mefi.)
- jim 3-10-2002 4:20 pm [link] [add a comment]

Well, yes, if you're really keeping track, I did say that I would link to something explaining the work I've been doing on the new system either yesterday or today. And while it's still technically possible for this to happen, we're not giving it a very good chance of actually happening. Like no way. So I thought I'd just pass that along in case anyone is sitting in front of their computer frantically reloading this page, wondering when, oh when, will I post that link. (What? You weren't doing that? Nevermid.)

Probably I'll do it sometime this weekend when you're not looking.
- jim 3-08-2002 9:44 pm [link] [add a comment]

Brilliant. Here's a very clever way to get ie toolbar like functionality out of the location field in Mozilla. The result? Now if I type 'gg jimslog' into the location field in Mozilla (where I would normally type the URL) I'm taken to the results of a google search for 'jimslog'. If I type 'dd mantic' I'm taken to the results of a dictionary.com lookup of 'mantic'. The article shows you how to make keywords (the 'gg' and 'dd') for any site.
- jim 3-07-2002 8:56 pm [link] [add a comment]

The Bruce Sterling Online Index. A guide to every Bruce Sterling work on the web (or so they claim.)

- jim 3-07-2002 8:56 pm [link] [add a comment]

Julie pointed out the first Alias review
- jim 3-07-2002 4:54 pm [link] [1 ref] [5 comments]

Looks like the end of internet radio.
- jim 3-07-2002 3:00 pm [link] [3 comments]

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