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Yes, this would satisfy me on the digital rights front.
- jim 3-23-2002 5:46 pm [link] [3 comments]

Fritz Hollings has introduced the newly renamed SSSCA to Congress. This is the big one. They are actually going to try to outlaw general purpose computers.

Once known as the Security Systems Standards and Certification Act, the newly named CBDTPA says that all "digital media devices" sold in the United States or shipped across state lines must include copy-protection mechanisms to be defined by the Federal Communications Commission.
Decan McCullagh has lots of documents at Politech. Here's the slashdot thread.

I know from trying to explain this to people - even to smart people in the industry! - that most do not understand the gravity of the situation. This is a serious threat to the future of freedom in general.
- jim 3-22-2002 2:44 pm [link] [14 comments]

Apple introduced a new 10 GB iPod yesterday (twice as big as the old one.) But it's $499, and the 5 GB model stays at $399. People were reasonably expecting at least a small drop for the old unit ($350? C'mon, give us something!) It rules, no doubt, but ouch.

Also introduced was a 23 inch flat screen with 1920 x 1200 native resolution. Mmmmm.

And they demonstrated a new USB bluetooth adapter. To be available soon. I can't wait to see what they do with that.
- jim 3-21-2002 7:37 pm [link] [3 comments]

Do-It-Yourself DMCA Counter Notification Letter.

One of the favorite tools of both cults and corporations seeking to take embarassing information off the Internet is to falsely claim violation of a copyright or trademark. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act, enacted in 1998, set out a notification procedure that can be used to request an ISP to remove allegedly infringing material from a web page. However, there is a defense against this attack: it's called a counter notification letter. Most people don't know how to write such a letter, which is why I've put together this helpful form.

- jim 3-21-2002 6:11 pm [link] [1 comment]

aKa is in the running for best new cheap eats over at Time Out New York. Feel free to help us out.
- jim 3-21-2002 2:47 pm [link] [12 comments]

This is cool. Spamradio.com. Some evil genius is recording his computer reading spam he receives aloud to the sound of light ambient noodling. And it's all streamed in MP3 around the clock. On a dial-up, open this URL in an MP3 player:


If you have a faster connection use:


On an apple use iTunes. Go to Advanced -> open stream... and paste in the url. On Windows I guess use WinAmp or something similar. Not sure on those instructions.

Like listening in on the New Age flavored collective unconscious of the modern techno capitalistic world.

- jim 3-20-2002 10:43 pm [link] [add a comment]

Dave Winer has New York Times headlines flowing through Radio 8. That's cool, but I'm with Bill Seitz in wanting to know more about the architecture. Is it really something new? Does this signal a change in direction at the NYT? Or are the headlines just out there (like they are/were with AvantoGo) but with all the back end negatives still in place?

I don't care that much about the headlines. What we want is to be able to point to articles and be sure our readers will see the same thing we are pointing to - not a redirect to a useless sign in page, or not a note saying the article is no longer available. I'm trying to build something permanent here. And we want google to be able to index them too.
- jim 3-20-2002 3:50 pm [link] [add a comment]

Full size projected virtual keyboard.
- jim 3-20-2002 3:20 pm [link] [4 comments]

Close call for spaceship earth. That's at least the third time I've seen a CNN story use that asteroid impact graphic.
- jim 3-19-2002 11:16 pm [link] [2 comments]

Over the weekend we met a little puppy on Long Island. MB and I (and everyone else) really liked her. She is incredibly sweet. Now it turns out she needs a home. I know I probably shouldn't but we're both tempted. Feel free to talk some sense into me...

Here's a picture of the puppy sleeping with Theo.

- jim 3-19-2002 8:01 pm [link] [27 comments]

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