
Shenandoah Nat'l Park

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A plane flew overhead yesterday while outside on the lounger I read the first installment of the Swede's trilogy so that a month from now I can go see the movie, or by then I may have to download it, or just wait for the official DVD release. The plane overhead always makes me think of Mr. BC and his flying lessons. I am always pretty sure the planes overhead are flown by Mr. BC. The plane banked left and I went inside to get my camera. If possible I try to take pictures of Mr. BC when he flies overhead. Way to fly in a straight line I yell up to him. Way to keep that thing up in the air. You flying sonofabitch I yell affecting the salty familiarity of a seasoned war veteran reliving the past, remembering it all but making stuff up when necessary.
- jimlouis 6-26-2010 1:29 pm [link]