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But in the end despite not having enough time to really understand anything significant about Tripoli and some getting lost exposure to a type of ghetto with no particularly scary people but rather a landscape like a combination of several of my worst nightmares, I am rather drawn to Tripoli and Lebanon in general inasmuch as my limited experience will allow. We are in Byblos now, not too much grit here but a pretty fine sweeping view of the Mediterranean from our room. However, the roadblock on the highway between Tripoli and Byblos with it's serpentine of oversized metal jacks-like obstructions, which our cab driver was summarily waved through, tempers somewhat any purely romantic notions you may be able to have about this place. Still, I really do love it here, despite my inclination for criticism.
- jimlouis 2-07-2011 4:24 pm [link]