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Heavy As Carved Whalebone
Shortly after that great day in the history of my most recent personal civil war, which ended with the installation of a gigantic window unit air conditioner (go Confederacy go), but should not in this time line be conflated with that side skirmish occurring only days ago and involving a ceiling fan (oh that Confederacy does love a good beat down), it turned cool here in New York (except for two days, and for those I was in Virginia in unexpected consultation with a Republican Christian Coalition) and the windows got opened up and the remote control put away. There have been nights in this mid June New York that were simply cold.

It is though heating up a little today and while I am not committed to shutting all the windows and will in any case be leaving the apartment soon, still feel it is in my best interest, after all this hullabaloo concerning the installation of an air cooling device, to actually use said device once in awhile.

It has now been on with several windows wide open for the last thirty minutes thereabouts and I'm feeling a little cool behind the collar so I'm going to reach over here for the remote, and turn it down a notch, or two.

Yesterday I was coming back from some important mission and out front the building on the opposite sidewalk stood Jimson and Julia Creed, with their newborn son, Elkhorn Scrimshaw. I was going to call out to them but they appeared to be discussing something important. When they finally saw me it was clear from even across the street that a light bulb was going off, a solution to their dilemma, and they asked me an easy one, would I mind carrying Scrimshaw up the three flights, on my way to five? Jimson was off to some business and this was afterall only a small favor. Of course I would be glad to, and was, and am in general, but that does not prevent me from saying this--that Elkhorn Scrimshaw is one heavy kid. Is it the name weighing him down perhaps? Or is some practical joker putting rocks in his pockets? I came up here to five huffing and puffing a little. Started thinking about an exercise regimen.
- jimlouis 6-18-2011 5:53 pm [link]