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First Two Talking
Hey Slim.

Leave me alone.

Feeling grumpy?

Eat me.

I was just wondering...?

You better quit dicking with me.

Come on, let's talk, you'll feel better.

Nothing wrong with how I feel.

Want some Midol?

All right, bitch, what do you want?

I was just wondering when you're going to get back to work on the house.

Been busy.

Really? Doing what?

Relaxing, reading, avoiding completion...

That's what I'm talking about, why don't you just complete the damn thing?

There is joy in work avoidance. You have to take what you can get.

But what about that sense of fullfillment you would get from being finished, living legal, instead of being a squatter...?

That fullfillment you talk about is an overrated fairy tale, and I'm more in harmony with my environment the way things lay now.

Deep, but they ain't gonna let you live like that forever.

Too many "theys" out there to be worried about any single one of them.

Hey, maybe you could just pick up some materials today and then maybe if you felt like it, today, or during the week, you might actually accomplish something.

Yeah maybe. But if potentially today is the last day of the rest of my life I don't want to spend it working.

Rather be on the beach?

I ain't so crazy about beaches.

Me either.

Amazing we have that in common.

Not really so amazing considering we're the same...

Don't even think it, we ain't that, you just the front and little else, so back away from those easy comparisons.

I don't have to let you out, you know?

Don't be so sure about that, Mr. Jim.
- jimlouis 8-26-2001 2:32 pm [link] [2 comments]