Wheel--I don't know, maybe we could slurp a few oysters at Acme and then eat somewhere else. There's a row of restaurants on Frenchman in Faubourg Marigny (adjacent to the French Quarter) that may be interesting. Or even better if you see anyplace (from websearching or whatever) that sounds good to you, I will get us there. We could eat Po-boys at Parasol's (in the Irish Channel) or any damn thing we want, because we are grownups. And yes, I am a little bit jaded about Mardi Gras parades but Krewe du Vieux is kind of a spoof on the whole thing, so it's fun, I would love to join ya'll for that.

Alex--"I guess there is no war"(?) Wouldn't it be pretty to think so.

Dave--yeah, right after I dropped out of U. of Texas I was at Andover. On the application I said I was a black chinese american muslim trailer trash mfker, and they processed me right on through. Affirmative action, baby.

"...where are the bikini-clad girls?" You're asking me?

Good advice, but what do I do now that football season is over?
- jimlouis 1-30-2003 4:38 am

i would try to spend quality time obsessing over my mistakes and missed opportunities. also, try to make fun of as many people as possible. the weak and ineffectual, the powerful, the pious, it doesnt matter, as long as it makes you feel better about yourself.

speaking of which, you are aware that andover is a high school? now, maybe an andover education is superior to anything offered at the university of texas (im sure its more expensive), but in the rest of america we go to high school before college.

of course, ive been regressing ever since i went to college, so maybe youre on to something.

see, i managed to obsess over myself and make fun of you at the same time. and thats what we here would call perfect harmony.
- dave 1-30-2003 9:52 am [add a comment]

Oh yeah, Andover, my bad.

UT tuition in '77 was about 300 dollars a semester. I should have spent that money on drugs for all the good it did...oh wait...
- jimlouis 1-30-2003 3:44 pm [add a comment]

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