She isn't empty, she's loaded. Go, Vermeer!

But based on the preview, I say big boo to the filmmakers for feeling they needed to invent a vapid backstory for this picture. The girl is maligned by her peers, not as an empty vessel but a trollop; Vermeer looks like a pimp and pornographer ("Can you moisten your lips for me, my dear?" as she is posing); complications ensue. We know next to nothing about this artist, but now he'll be forever branded as a skank; when people think of his most Botticelli-like image they'll think she looks like Scarlett Johanson. Art movies suck.
- tom moody 12-06-2003 9:50 am

Is it an art movie or an (wink wink nudge) art movie?
- steve 12-17-2003 3:32 pm [add a comment]

"We know next to nothing about this artist, but now he'll be forever branded as a skank; when people think of his most Botticelli-like image they'll think she looks like Scarlett Johanson."

I doubt it.
- steve 3-23-2004 7:26 am [add a comment]

Based on seeing the movie, or based on your faith in posterity?

- tom moody 3-23-2004 8:01 am [add a comment]

Based on that the film is probably destined to the dustbin of film history. I doubt most people think of Charlton Heston when they think of Van Gogh.

- steve 3-23-2004 5:57 pm [add a comment]

You mean Kirk Douglas? C'mon, he was a great Van Gogh. (Well, great hammy.)

Paul Gauguin: All I see when I look at your paintings is just that you paint too fast.

Vincent Van Gogh: You look too fast!

Of Heston's role as Michelangelo, Mad magazine once said "his emotions run the gamut from A to A!"
Pope Julius II: When will you make an end?

Michelangelo: When I'm finished!

- tom moody 3-23-2004 6:39 pm [5 comments]

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