Just saw a new phrase for being '"a bit thick" that I like very much (thanks Jim):
not the sharpest tool in the shed

will make a change from my old standard:
not the brightest light on the tree

And then of course there's always:
not the shiniest marble in the bag

not the ...... ...... in the ......

- sally mckay 3-28-2004 7:27 pm

not the sharpest knife in the drawer
- x-lola 3-28-2004 7:48 pm

not the fastest dog on the track
- sally mckay 3-28-2004 8:00 pm

lol posted this link to the wrong subject(see above) how deliciously ironic

- mr. lahey (guest) 3-28-2004 8:59 pm

Hah that's nice. I'm stealing from their list:

Not the brightest penny in the purse.[my very favourite so far]

Not the brightest crayon in the box.

One sandwich short of a picnic.

One brick short of a load.

One egg short of an omelet.

One pickle short of a barrel.

One neuron short of a synapse.

- sally mckay 3-28-2004 10:13 pm

Dumber than a bag of hammers.
- LM (guest) 3-29-2004 12:28 am

I misread that as dumber than a bag of hampsters.

One card short of a deck.
One french fry short of a happy meal.
One duck short of a row [of ducks]
Okay I made up the last one.
- joester 3-29-2004 7:28 am

barrel head
- steve 3-30-2004 5:47 pm

one kit short of a kabootle.
- bunnie 3-30-2004 9:07 pm

if his IQ was 10 points higher, he could be a tree

faint praise category, in response to a question about someone's competence: he's a nice guy, like him a lot

an 8-bit processor in a 32-bit world
- mark 3-31-2004 5:30 am


- sally mckay 3-31-2004 6:10 am

one donut short of a dozen.

- bunnie 3-31-2004 10:03 pm

just heard today: "not the brightest crystal in the cave"

This was said to somebody actually named Crystal (who happens to be very bright, but that's beside the point), which makes it both meaner and more clever.
- sally mckay 3-31-2004 10:15 pm

Lights are on, but no one's home.
- jim 3-31-2004 11:00 pm

I used to call this young guy I worked with: shit for brains (mostly because I kept on forgetting his name)

Years later, some guy is smiling and waving madly at me at some public place, yelling:




(ok, now I remember)
- LM (guest) 4-01-2004 12:00 am

dumb as a box of hair
- nanmac (guest) 4-06-2004 2:04 am

These comments are from my friend SHABLE:

It’s “dumb as a box of hair” and ‘crazy as a bag of hammers’, fyi.

Will you add my new one? “As dumb as a gypsy with only 8 dogs”

- nanmac (guest) 4-06-2004 8:10 pm

I heard this on TV: "one bud short of a six-pack"
- anonymous (guest) 4-08-2004 3:03 am

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