penrose tiling

Penrose Tiling

- sally mckay 1-08-2005 1:32 am

ooh, very pretty picture!
- leslie (guest) 1-09-2005 3:10 pm

- rob (guest) 1-09-2005 6:15 pm

It's quilted for softness:
- rob (guest) 1-09-2005 6:16 pm

Tiling is an interesting field. "Tesselation", the study of "repeated geometric designs that cover a plane without gaps or overlaps".

There were 9 known tesselations of "convex polygons", when Martin Gardener, in Scientific American, posed the question of whether any other tesselations could be found.

A San Diego housewife, Marjorie Rice, with only a single high school mathematics course, proceeded to find four more tesselations using convex polygons, She said it "became a hobby" for her.

It's not known if there are any others to be found. Here's a list, with drawings, of "The 14 Different Types of Convex Pentagons that Tile the Plane":
- rick (guest) 1-18-2005 10:00 am


- mark 3-28-2005 6:33 am

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