qualia catQualia Street
Closing Party
Von Bark

Fly Gallery party at Saigon Flower
1138 Queen St West
NEXT WEEK: Wednesday, April 27
8:00 pm

My art installation at Fly Gallery (1172 Queen St. W) is up until the end of April. Come celebrate the closing with us on April 27th at Saigon Flower. Arrive at 8:00pm for Von Bark's lecture on Vermillion Qualia and the Mind/Body Split (or something like that), stay for drinks and fun. Yes, there will be party favours. Pop down the block and check out the window display one last time (best viewed after dark).
Qualia is defined as, "the subjective qualities of conscious experience (plural of the Latin singular quale). Examples are the way sugar tastes, the way vermillion looks, the way coffee smells, the way a cat's purr sounds, the way it feels to stub your toe." Excerpt from The Oxford Companion to Philosophy, Oxford University Press, 1995.
qualia strip

- sally mckay 4-21-2005 1:27 am

A brief caveat to my many adoring fans: my lecture (workin' on it) will be brief and facetious, and probably not starting at the dot of 8. Regards, VB.

- Von Bark (guest) 4-22-2005 6:51 am

hey, sal and von bark, how did it go? i wish i could have been there.
- nanmac (guest) 4-28-2005 9:30 pm

fun! totally fun.
- sally mckay 4-28-2005 10:04 pm

I took a photo of this piece with my bike in front of it.
First time I have seen the two smile.
- Tino (guest) 5-01-2005 5:25 am

sorry about missing it.
- bikenerd (guest) 5-07-2005 6:48 pm

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