Oooooooooo, Harper baby. Say my name! Say my name!


Débat des chefs!

Dernier affrontement de la campagne!

Les chefs des quatre grands partis fédéraux croiseront le fer en français, ce soir, pour la dernière fois avant le scrutin du 23 janvier.

- L.M. 1-11-2006 2:17 am

"Discusses chiefs!

Last confrontation of the countryside!

The chiefs of the four great federal parties will cross French iron, this evening, for the last time before the poll of January 23."

This is when the debates get daring and flamboyant. (Everything in the universe is more exciting with AltaVista Babel Fish.)

- L.M. 1-11-2006 2:18 am

René Lévesque smoked 5 packs of cigarettes a day.

How the hell do you do that?

Trudeau interviewing Lévesque in 1964.

- L.M. 1-11-2006 2:41 am

and i thought 2packs was decadent
where does one find time to speak

- anonymous (guest) 1-11-2006 3:50 am

oh oh
i love cbc archives. i have learned more from cruising around their archives than i ever did in my canadian history clases in high school, or any of the canadian identity stuff we were being fed. shame!

for example, i recently only found out about the relocation of africville in halifax - i mean, what the..?


ps the tupac thing was me too. i get so excited to post and forget to put my name up.
- anonymous (guest) 1-11-2006 3:58 am

castro twopack

According to Google image search the Lévesque & Castro picture is on the Canadian Embassy in Cuba site, but try finding the full size image.
- L.M. 1-11-2006 5:29 am

what do you think they're singing?

- anonymous (guest) 1-11-2006 5:50 pm

(image from the above mentioned site)

Good question, I'm sure it's not When Irish Eyes are Smiling.


My Mom's in Cuba right now. I should have written a letter to Castro telling him that she has saved her wages as a cleaning lady, just to see the great revolution that is Cuba, and she has always dreamed of meeting him. I would have loved a picture of that. But it turns out that she's a retired real estate broker, and although I'm a pretty crappy daughter, I know enough not to play practical jokes on an 81 year old lady who just wants to play scrabble on the beach with her best pal from high school.

b/t/w Nobody shot at her on her recent trip to Texas, and I really appreciate that.

- L.M. 1-11-2006 7:11 pm

"Débats des chefs" rolls off the tongue. I think they are singing "Mon pays c’est l’Hiver."
- sally mckay 1-11-2006 10:19 pm

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