Our unanimously beloved Prime Minister was not beheaded by terrorists while I was away, so take a deep breath and ponder this Harper with Kitties photo-op that I stole from the CBC site.


Vladimir Putin could probably pull it off a bit more convincingly, but this just leaves me totally disoriented. The obvious kitten-eating jokes aside, is anyone else puzzled?

- L.M. 6-13-2006 8:28 am

Now, *this kitty picture is the perfect source of inspiration for the official oil portait of our leader. He's well read, an animal lover, and is watched over by our beloved Trudeau [what's with *that wall hanging?]. Who's the commissioned artist these days for offical portraits???
- RH (guest) 6-13-2006 3:06 pm

It would make a cute puzzle. And so satisfying to complete!
- J@simpleposie (guest) 6-13-2006 5:42 pm

It's easier to take in if you recognize that he ONLY loves kittens and hates everything else.
- L.M. 6-13-2006 8:20 pm

Why did that picture make me think "learn flash real quick and do a remake of Gaybar?"
Must be something wrong with me.

- rob (guest) 6-14-2006 5:26 am

Or maybe this video would suit Harper better.
http://video.google.com/videoplay? docid=-3319967978568410735&q=gay+bar+bush&time=0
- mnobody (guest) 6-14-2006 6:30 pm

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