fenton cannon balls

Cannonballs on or off the road...which came first?
Errol Morris is trying to figure it out.
(thanks to Be Smiley)

- sally mckay 10-05-2007 6:03 am

On, then off.

- L.M. 10-05-2007 6:17 am

that's what I would've said too. apparently a lot of people think otherwise, like Susan Sontag and Ulrich Keller. I like this quote from Morris...

Keller says that the first photograph obviously “represents the road…in which the photographer found it” (OFF) and Fenton obviously “rearranged the evidence,” that is the cannonballs, in the second photograph (ON).

As I’ve said elsewhere: Nothing is so obvious that it’s obvious. When someone says that something is obvious, it seems almost certain that it is anything but obvious – even to them. The use of the word “obvious” indicates the absence of a logical argument – an attempt to convince the reader by asserting the truth of something by saying it a little louder.

- sally mckay 10-05-2007 4:40 pm

It's obvious that's why I use the word obviously in all my arguments.
- L.M. 10-05-2007 8:00 pm

I think it's the bowling paradigm that makes us think On, then Off.

Off, then On would be wishful thinking. A perfect game.
- MJean (guest) 10-06-2007 2:29 am

This just in from Rob...

"Forget cannonballs....Why does everone miss the lunar lander?"


- sally mckay 10-09-2007 7:57 am

She said Lunar lander
- bill 1-03-2023 8:04 pm