Oh Oh! Leah Sandals likes the Russian Art Sub more than the Reverse Pedagogues.


(she thought she could just slip it by on twitter.)

- L.M. 6-11-2009 5:24 am

Perhaps someone could remake this :
into a version where the sub really does blow the canoes out of the water. How hard is that?
- rob (guest) 6-11-2009 3:09 pm

The game graphics on that link are insanely beautiful.

(so that would probably be the hard part.)
- L.M. 6-11-2009 3:22 pm

Argh... I thought Twitter was supposed to be PRIVATE : - )
Speaking of Twitter, have you seen Conan O'Brian's recent "Twitter Tracker" bits? Hilarious.
I can't find an effing site that will stream the video, but here's some details:

- Leah Sandals (guest) 6-11-2009 4:37 pm

Canadians get blocked from some of the huffpo videos.

(I thought it might be fun to blingee twitters from you and Paddy Johnson, but then I grew a temporary brain and decided to stay away from compulsive communicators)
- L.M. 6-11-2009 4:52 pm

Hmmm... but maybe we caught the compulsive communication bug from Digital Media Tree? Once you let that blingee out of the box, there's little that can stop it, you know.
- Leah Sandals (guest) 6-11-2009 10:25 pm

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