Sunday - Yehudi Menuhin

with David Oistrakh - Bach Double Violin Concerto in D minor (1st mov.)

with Ion Voicu - Bach Double Concerto (3rd mov.)

Schubert - Ave Maria

with Herbert von Karajan playing Mozart - Concerto for violin and orchestra No.5 in A major

- L.M. 11-08-2009 6:38 am

Bonus Track:

Yehudi and Ravi Shankar from Music of Man:

Karajan was exonerated over time for his membership in the Nazi party, but when will we forgive Shankar for spawning Norah Jones?
- L.M. 11-08-2009 6:36 pm

that cannot be forgiven. ever. what was he thinking?
- bill 11-08-2009 9:14 pm

Wow speaking of Yuhudi. Great sets of videos L.M. Thanks.

I miss you! When are you coming to Chicago. We can put you up.
- Candy Minx (guest) 11-08-2009 10:57 pm

That's so sweet of you, and thank you so much for the invite, some day I will leave my house, and even the country.

The footage of the Bach Double Violin Concerto is pretty glorious. There are parts of it that make me feel as if I was suddenly stabbed in the heart.
- L.M. 11-08-2009 11:54 pm

I _loved_ this, L.M.! Too busy yesterday to say so. There's a part in the third movement of the Bach Double..well, it actually happens twice...where they're both playing strident double stops. Whack whack whack whack. It always makes me think of wet towels snapping in a locker room. It's one of my favourite parts.
- M.Jean 11-09-2009 11:49 pm

I went to hear Menhuen play a thousand years ago, in the gymnatorium at UWO. Accompanied on the harpsichord by his sister Hepzibah. It was one of those cavernous places, basketball hoops and the lingering aroma of sweat socks, but the two of them managed to make it incredibly intimate. But nature has her darker side. I have friends who once went to hear him conduct a rehearsal of the Bath Festival Orchestra in England. They got talking to some of the players afterwards, and they had nothing good to say about him.
- M.Jean 11-09-2009 11:59 pm

In one of the final episodes of The Music of Man series Yehudi had nothing good to say about punk rock. They showed a few incoherent moments of an unidentified band who dressed as Nuns.

(VB via SM)
- sally mckay 11-10-2009 12:44 am

The whack whack whacking is at 1:35 and 4:20.
- M.Jean 11-10-2009 3:11 am

I first fell in love with Yehudi Menuhin when I was seven and saw his picture in the M book of the World Book Encyclopaedia. Of course back in the day I knew him as Menuhin, Yehudi.
- L.M. 11-10-2009 5:35 am

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