What do you like better?

Art Stars...high octane personality host doing mean-spirited, rock-em, sock-em, knock-em-down-a-peg-or-two, locally situated social commentary.

Sister Wendy...high octane personality host doing on-the-spot inspirational art interpretation and bring-tears-to-your-eyes emotive art historical storytelling.

- sally mckay 3-08-2010 3:24 pm

Secular art critics are no match for Sister Wendy. Basically Nadja was left with no choice other than evil.

I read about this very thing somewhere or other. It is psychology.

- L.M. 3-08-2010 7:11 pm

- J@simpleposie (guest) 3-08-2010 9:28 pm

Man, that art star woman ... why she gotta be hatin'? Is she trying to be funny? It's so mean and awful. Please tell me it was all a hoax.
I vote for sister Wendy. She talks about naked ladies and seems very nice.
- joester (guest) 3-08-2010 9:33 pm

Yet more proof that Snuggies will rot your brain.
- mark 3-09-2010 1:31 am

I have to confess that I had not heard of Sister Wendy until just the other day when L.M. enlightened me. She is my new art history hero.
- sally mckay 3-09-2010 3:08 am

Sister Wendy is a marvel of insight. The fizziest thing about the boob on the left was her decision to match her glasses to her blanky. Sigh indeed.
- thom (guest) 3-09-2010 3:26 am

The look on Sally's face as she watched that first Sister Wendy video was priceless.
- L.M. 3-09-2010 4:53 am

That Kriistina Lahde episode went a little too far for me, so in this case Sister Wendy, hands down. I like how she treats every artwork with the same amount of reverence and attention to detail/analysis and that she still believes in humanism.
- Gabby (guest) 3-09-2010 11:53 am

I think Sister Wendy dates from pre-posthumanism. But of course ... a nun talking about the Renaissance! It's a veritable orgy of testimony to human greatness. What I love is her story-telling. Sometimes I think all art history lessons should begin with "Once upon a time..." just so its clear to everyone we're entering an authored, subjective zone of fantasy and wish-fulfillment.
- sally mckay 3-09-2010 2:12 pm

Sister wendy, hands down, always so.

I was really disappointed with this Artstars clip ... I know what she was trying to get at, but failed miserably. Nadja, if you really think someone is overdoing the crit-speak, then let them hang themselves with it ... it's much more satisfying in the long run -- not that this is a comment as to whether KL overdoes it or not ... but from the clip, we have no idea.

NS, you're better than this, no?
- anonymous (guest) 3-09-2010 5:46 pm

You'd have to look a long way to find a more evocative image than "Jesus like a great river flowing down her."
- M.Jean 3-09-2010 6:12 pm

And for that matter, crit-speak is not actually that bad. Yes sometimes artists say big words that they don't know how to use in an effort to intimidate people into not asking difficult questions, but that happens in every discipline. Geeks do it with computers lingo, architects do it, writers do it, plumbers do it, even the birds and bees do it. To think that we artists are anything special is silly. And the alternative, too often than not, is no conversation at all, which is even worse than crit-speak.
I've found that if you try to paraphrase what the artist is saying in a less intimidating nonthreatening manner then it will be a great relief to both of you. More often than not the crit-speaker is speaking that way because they think that's what you're expecting (especially if you're behind a camera and at their opening) - remove the expectation and voila, you're having a conversation about art. AND nobody had to get made fun or have their words bleeped out.
- joester (guest) 3-09-2010 10:06 pm

Hey all,
I'll chime in and say as well that while I generally enjoy Artstars vids, this one went too far for me. I'm keepin' the faith for the next one.
- Leah Sandals (guest) 3-10-2010 1:17 am

What's hilarious is there's almost no discombob in Lahde's PR at MKG. The text is pretty straight forward - Ok sure it's self evident we're bombarded by news but the release says she's playing with the newspaper in her work and by the look of it she certainly does play with the newspaper.
- J@simpleposie (guest) 3-10-2010 3:47 pm

For me the outrage is actually not so much that she confronted the artist, it's that she stuck a mic in her face as if it was an interview and then talked over her and beeped her words in post production. I think this happened because Lahde's actual answers were smart, polite and to the point which didn't at all fit with the premise of the piece which was to "out" art-speak.
But Artstars were clearly angry going in, and nobody gets that angry without provocation so I'm sure there's more to the story. I'm like the ref who sees the punch thrown, but not all the cross checking and shirt tugging that went on before hand.
- joester (guest) 3-10-2010 7:38 pm

waytago kriistina-such grace and composure. if that pushy,no-talent parasite had stuck a mic in my face like that it would have been a very different kind of video. unless it's all a setup and then i say...BRAVO!
- Buff mcAbs (guest) 3-13-2010 8:02 pm

Izida Zorde just became my hero of the week for taking on ArtStars on camera: http://torontoist.com/2010/03/artstars.php#comments
- Gabby (guest) 3-16-2010 6:34 pm

Gabby is just bitter because we dissed Leona Drive
- Nadja (guest) 3-30-2010 7:34 pm

HAHAHA! WHY IS EVERYONE SO BUTT HURT! she's right! the whole contemporary art community in toronto is run by pussies! THIS THREAD PROVES IT!

go make something worth while!

- GOFUKURSELF! (guest) 3-30-2010 8:27 pm

I loved the Leona Drive episode!! To me, that was ArtStars at their best - letting people out themselves as overly serious and esoteric through their own rambling/words. Plus the part where you wandered into some poor family's home in Willowdale was priceless.

I still recommend and show ArtStars episodes to studio students at York precisely because it points out to future artists how not to operate in the art world once they get there - to not take themselves too seriously and to make stuff happen on their own, ArtStars style.
- Gabby (guest) 3-30-2010 8:51 pm

I don't feel like the two are comparable. They are doing very different things.

I feel like Nadja's disjointed post-production style is as contemporary as the art she is critiquing. You don't have to like it, but the same goes for contemporary art; much of it is not about LIKING it, but about asking questions and raising feelings.

Pair that with a hilariously endearing nun who talks about the origins of renaissance and classical painting and sculpture? OF COURSE people like this! This is as assessable as anything gets, ever.

What will you compare next? How about a meteorologist talking about the finer points of weather vs. a brilliant and adorable 4 year old surrounded by kittens talking precociously about how much they like sunshine?

What do you like better?

- Gillian G (guest) 3-30-2010 9:15 pm

Gabby's last comment is great!

Real talk, I thought the episode was entertaining, howevs I do prefer when artists end up making themselves look silly. If every epi was like the MKG one then it would be more problematic, I'm sure Sister Wendy made episodes that were too rude for tv.
- anonymous (guest) 3-30-2010 9:20 pm

I don't get this. Comparison? Juxtaposition? Contest? I like both. And, while I agree that Lahde should have been given time to defend herself, I would also like to point out that contemporary local art consisting of cut-up newspapers looks like a minor crime next to Bernini and Caravaggio. Part of Sayej's point is that you, Toronto art world, have spawned her: in the immortal words of Forrest Gump, "stupid is as stupid does."
- David Balzer (guest) 3-30-2010 9:31 pm

welcome, "comment army"!
- sally mckay 3-30-2010 10:20 pm

Tee hee. Rhetoric, Sally -- rhetoric! ;)
- David Balzer (guest) 3-30-2010 10:27 pm

oops - David is responding to a comment I deleted. I'll repost...

oh and, David, "no, YOU Toronto art world. I'm rubber and you're glue...etc."
- sally mckay 3-30-2010 10:29 pm

Wow. To cite Forrest Gump's "stupid is as stupid does" statement to support an argument about critical rigor is kind of ironic. Don't you write predominantly about art in Toronto? If you find it "stupid" why are you engaging with it?

I find it embarrassing that people are affronted by the use of "big words", as some of the above comments seem to suggest. Should art criticism read like a Vice magazine from know on so no one feels threatened by elegant prose?

Kristiina Ladhe is a considered, talented artist who is receiving unfair criticism from people who are not remotely familiar with her work.
- anonymous (guest) 3-30-2010 10:41 pm

Kristiina Ladhe is a boring, bland artist who is receiving fair criticism from people who are very familiar with her work and its history.
- ha! (guest) 3-30-2010 11:15 pm

All Art Stars does is bash the art community in Toronto.It's destructive...[remainder of this anonymous comment removed - sally]
- anonymous (guest) 3-30-2010 11:16 pm

Wow ... I guess these strong reactions prove one thing for sure: Torontonians are Not Apathetic when it comes to matters cultural.
Personally, I find that rather cheering.
- RM Vaughan (guest) 3-30-2010 11:25 pm

I would like to add to the first comment; I don't think it is fair that the subjects were so different. I think if Nadja was put in front of one of the great masters she would have better things to say. I think that is the point. Nadja is not Sister Wendy nor is this artist a great master sculptor of the Hellenic age.

You can't compare, and this blog post is a bad critique in itself.
- MegO! (guest) 3-30-2010 11:50 pm

I would like to add to the first comment; I don't think it is fair that the subjects were so different. I think if Nadja was put in front of one of the great masters she would have better things to say. I think that is the point. Nadja is not Sister Wendy nor is this artist a great master sculptor of the Hellenic age.

You can't compare, and this blog post is a bad critique in itself.
- MegO! (guest) 3-30-2010 11:50 pm

usually funny isnt fair.
- bill 3-30-2010 11:59 pm

Heated debate is a-okay, but let's stop the inflammatory personal attacks please. "Anonymous" this means you.
- sally mckay 3-31-2010 12:24 am

a little bit of context: past posts on this blog have asked the "who/what do you like better" question pitting screws against balloons, Shakespeare against Dr. Seuss and Kate against Allie.
- sally mckay 3-31-2010 12:55 am

- anonymous (guest) 3-31-2010 1:23 am

Nadja wins! *snap that God-fearing know it all!
- anonymous (guest) 3-31-2010 1:36 am

Thanks God I didn't have Sister Wendy as my art history teacher,
"horse is nervous" haha, just cute stories and "poetic" interpretations.
Where is the PAINTER Caravaggio in her blabla.

Artstars - Nadja stick do your stuff. We love you.

- zack (guest) 3-31-2010 1:45 am

Izida Zorde lost a whole lot of respect in my eyes by saying that someone outspoken and blunt about what art they like and dislike is "dangerous". To quote some old cowboy: "Art is a safe place where we may non-violently come to terms with disorienting situations and adjudicate their public and private relevance in a public discourse."

I'm only guessing, but I believe Izida is a booster who cares more about the careers of people in the scene than the art itself. Nadja thinks conceptual art is boring, and she isn't afraid to say it in public. Instead of taking up the challenge and trying to explain to Nadja why conceptual art relevant and intellectually stimulating, Izida wants to shut down the discussion completely. Very disappointing.

Nadja's frankness brings forth more frankness, and forces people to express their positions, which to me is the whole point of looking at art. I find it fascinating that some people here describe Artstars as "mean-spirited" and "hating". I've only ever seen it as honest.

Just like every single person reading this thread, sometimes Nadja likes the art that she sees and sometimes she doesn't. But while most people will only whisper what they really think to their friends, Nadja will put it out there, and it starts a discussion.
- t.o (guest) 3-31-2010 2:00 am

The difference between the two is the kind of art they are talking about.
Sister Wendy has the most adorable buck teeth and speaks about real artists and masters whose work has become part of our cultural heritage.
Artstars interviews, at times, small town pretentious people who call themselves artists. Their equally pretentious and talentless work will not even be remembered by their mothers.
You gotta handle your subjects accordingly, and at that they are both fantastic.
- lula (guest) 3-31-2010 2:15 am

Nadja is more holy for sure. Sister Wendy's repression of desire erupts in uncontainable descriptors whereas Nadja's calculated dissection is satisfying independently.

I think Nadja should interview a repressed artist similar to Sister Wendy next to test the wrestling match in reality. Call it: Pragmatism vs. Space Cadet.
- Rio (guest) 3-31-2010 2:25 am

Really? You're paying attention to this? This is the line between perez hilton and colbert, only one of which has a critical purpose for there on-screen drama. Again... really, this is what you choose to pay attention to? I feel a wee bit sad.
- Red (guest) 3-31-2010 5:26 am

This is terrifying. This is the first time I've ever commented on anything ever. I always hate it when people comment on things on the internet. Draw a picture of your least favorite person instead and deal with it. Carry it around with you and learn to love it. Then when you see them in public it won't be so awkward and you won't have to think about those things you said on the internet that one time. Nadja and sister mary (wendy) look similar and that is alright. I wish Toronto had something worth talking about in it - NOT.
- brian (guest) 3-31-2010 8:07 am

I love both! Most of Nadja's videos are not this aggressive, and she takes it on the chin when people give her 'tude, which does tend to abrogate the need for her to say anything herself. In this one, not so much. But I got that from the bit at the beginning where she said she was about to engage in some bad journalism. I love the ArtStars vids. They're short, enlightening, and Nadja doesn't take herself too seriously, which can't always be said for the artists.

Sister Wendy is cute too, though I'm not the Bernini fan I used to be. I would love to see Nadja and Sister Wendy team up.
- SarahL (guest) 3-31-2010 1:11 pm

Artstars are smart and mean.* I'm pretty sure they can handle a little teasing. Maybe they didn't expect people to be so angry at them, but I bet they did. Artstars have set out to ruffle feathers and art communities are especially easy to disturb. And I'm not really surprised that Artstars supporters are angry at the Toronto art world (whatever that is) because art worlds always need to change. It's not just Toronto either, and if you don't believe me check out this thread on Art Fag City. Find your peeps! Make it happen.

* being mean isn't always the worst thing ever, and there's plenty of precedent for it too. there's no reason artists have to be nice all the time. But of course, being mean will piss people off ... that's the idea, right?
- sally mckay 3-31-2010 1:33 pm

There's no comparison to be made: Nadja is criticizing artists and the Nun is criticizing art; they exist in different spheres. Nadja is essentially a performance artist and Sister Wendy is an art historian.
- hugeshoesale (guest) 3-31-2010 2:31 pm

I find Sister Wendy embarrassingly representative of what needs changing in our society. She perpetuates myths like humans are superior to animals in a time when we need to recognize the interconnectedness of all things.

Nadja Sayej feels a need to shake the tree. I think the art tree in TO needs shaking.
- Ashley Johnson (guest) 3-31-2010 3:47 pm

Sister Wendy is awesome! But Nadja is awesome and entertaining!
- LO (guest) 3-31-2010 8:56 pm


I haven't watched Art Stars, should I?
- Matthew Williamson (guest) 3-31-2010 10:42 pm

hey, listen. ok. both ladies are completely different. so much so you can't even imagine what their children would be like if nadja of artstars* and sister wendy spawned together.

wendy is like a PBS history lesson.
nadja is a spitfire, witty modern journalist.

love them both.

i respect nadja for the fact she's not pussy footing around anybody. in fact, she's brought more light to the art scene in toronto. isn't that what all you artists want? like the saying goes, "any press is good press." suck it up lovers, this intelligent woman is doing a great job and managed to get you all talking.

so if nadja has managed to create and cultivate something like this, don't you think it would be wise to keep it going to bring international light on the toronto art scene? let's keep this good thing rolling. let's think bigger picture: more international press on toronto = more notoriety, more respect, more people buying torontoian art ($$$)
- awtsyfawtsy (guest) 4-01-2010 2:19 am

moving forward, let's break the dusty mould of the old, embrace the new and applaud.

- awtsyfawtsy (guest) 4-01-2010 2:21 am

Christ allmighty, literally, I blow town for some life changing funeral action and this is what the kids get up to.

I blame myself, all anonymous comments should have been converted to kitteh speak. (and I would have quickly comforted that poor child, Brian, who has never commented on anything before and is terrified, because, if the truth be told, I too, am ashamed of the internet)
- L.M. 4-01-2010 6:59 am

And by the way, we could have used that footage of Nadja blowtorching a bag of puppies and compared it to sister Wendy's adorable buck teeth but we thought that would be slightly inflammatory.

- L.M. 4-01-2010 7:15 am

Damn! I forgot about kitteh speak moderation. (hi L.M.)
- sally mckay 4-01-2010 2:09 pm

I missed you, L.M. I am glad you are back.
- Gabby (guest) 4-01-2010 4:37 pm

I miss her too. But she won't be back on full tilt for little while yet. So y'all are stuck with me for now. With the blog in my care, I feel like the dad who will see that you are fed, but doesn't really know how to make your favourite dinner.
- sally mckay 4-01-2010 4:55 pm

Greetings from Saskatchewan. (and the kids like deep fried fucksocks)
- L.M. 4-01-2010 5:03 pm

good tip! Here's an image that came up on my Google images search for deep fried fucksocks.


Click through for Out of the frying pan and into the fire...Show us how bad situations can get much, much worse. This one is labeled, "Pope checks out of his hotel and gets his bill..."

- sally mckay 4-01-2010 5:16 pm

"I too, am ashamed of the internet"

really? REALLY? wow.... that's it... last time i ever visit this blog!

- GETABETTERWEBDESIGNER (guest) 4-01-2010 7:10 pm

"so if nadja has managed to create and cultivate something like this, don't you think it would be wise to keep it going to bring international light on the toronto art scene?"

she hasn't created or cultivated anything for Toronto.
She's an embarrassment to Canada...a wannabe who leeches off other people's creativity.
She's not as "brave" and "fah-bulous" as she thinks she is.
There are people in the Toronto art scene she wouldn't have the balls to pull her desperate act on.

- doy (guest) 4-01-2010 8:36 pm

Wait for the Gary Michael Dault interview.

- anonymous (guest) 4-02-2010 8:08 am

Christ! I'd love to see that!!!!!
- L.M. 4-02-2010 4:45 pm

In case anybody doesn't know, there are more people involved in ArtStars than just Nadja (there's also Jeremy Bailey and Ryan Edwards), and Nadja has other projects besides ArtStars. She's the founder of the Toronto Alliance of Art Critics. We posted about one of their events here, and they have just announced a pretty cool project for the next Nuit Blanche.
- sally mckay 4-02-2010 6:34 pm

Well, the fact that you're all foaming at the mouth means there's something interesting going on. Come on, Sister Wendy's an antique that's trying to revive old school shit that only resonates with equally antique audience. we need a younger set.
- thekarin (guest) 4-06-2010 9:23 pm

worst argument ever: "Well, the fact that you're all foaming at the mouth means there's something interesting going on." then trashes sister wendy. IQ < 0

- bill 4-06-2010 9:38 pm

Why should artists be sheltered from actually talking about their work? Celebrities do it all the time and Nadja is so fun how could anyone not have fun talking to her even if she hated you it would still be fun?? Andrew xo
- Andrew Harwood (guest) 4-07-2010 9:26 pm

I thought the Art Stars episode was funny although it was on the edge, that's for sure.

Mary Walsh does the same to politicians, and no one, no one discusses her scrum hijacking as if it either were or should be rigourous political commentary and critique. I am not sure why some are doing so with this episode.

It was comedy - something that rarely happens at an art opening. If people don't find it funny, and I gather there are quite a few, they can press the stop button. Artists who do not share Nadja's sense of humour can decline an interview. If a little YouTube video is damaging the TO art world, there is clearly something wrong with said art world already.

- Earl Miller (guest) 4-08-2010 3:20 am

"If a little YouTube video is damaging the TO art world, there is clearly something wrong with said art world already."

well said, Earl!
- sally mckay 4-08-2010 3:35 am

Thank you Nadja for throwing the desperately-needed grenade into the pomp-core art "world!" Unveiling through comedy and honest inquisition? What's not to love? An art opening is now a party that has found it's proverbial pooper, or rather, exposer of the poop.
- Jack Bride (guest) 4-09-2010 5:42 pm

Art*Stars has been featured in Art in America (it is available online), and the writer makes some astute comments into why it is needed to expose some of the hypocrisy in the local art world.

It is interesting to see a perspective outside of Toronto, and one that for me, reflects some of my complaints about the art scene here.
- earl miller (guest) 4-18-2010 5:34 pm

here's the link.
- sally mckay 4-18-2010 11:58 pm

It's tempting to light a match or somethun' because this thread is so Deliciously long and fun to read. That AiA link is funny. Daniel Fuller calls ArtStars "gonzo art criticism". In that regard it's quite charming that pmonk is setting the record straight in the comments. I can't think what sort of art historical awareness we should expect from a purveyor of "gonzo art criticism" but at least they could understand irony!


You're getting this message twice because I forgot an apostrophe in the first one and it's bugging me. Please feel free to delete #1 [done]

- J@simpleposie (guest)
- anonymous (guest) 4-20-2010 9:56 pm

I Hearts Arts Stars!
- anonymous (guest) 4-26-2010 8:25 am

I can't always keep up with the social scene, so for a while, I was not aware of Art*Stars. When Nadja shoved a mike in my face at an event, or perched beside me on a barstool offering me stickers, to me she was just another hipster preoccupied with art as status symbol and artist as celebrity. To an outsider (i.e. from east of Spadina and north of Bloor), she blended right in with the people she ridicules.

I don't hear Nadja doing criticism or interpretation. She is not uncovering anything that is not abundantly evident. She's making fun. She's the Court jester.

But artists are easy targets. Some make art because they are not deft wordsmiths, and they end up spewing gobbledygook as a side effect of an MFA, but that wears off. And Nadja may discover that the experience of art depends on what we bring to it, so the art she hates in her 20s and 30s may appear intensely interesting to her in the future -- if she were to tire from the social whirlwind and actually look at it.

Exhibiting art is like taping a bulls eye target over one's heart. It takes courage. As the painter Glenn Howarth said, "I respect anyone who picks up a pencil." I'd like to see Nadja take it up a notch and SET HER SIGHTS ON THE BAFFLEGAP THAT PEOPLE WHO EXPLOIT ARTISTS apply like a kind of GLADE mist that covers up the stink of dodgy business practices. Then I'd be howling, "GO GIRL GO!"
- anonymous (guest) 11-10-2010 8:16 am

obejrzyj tê stronê
biuro rachunkowe

- biuro rachunkowe warszawa (guest) 4-26-2012 1:07 pm