Is there nothing that Rob Cruickshank can not do?

- L.M. 1-10-2012 1:25 pm

he's a treasure for sure!

- anonymous (guest) 1-10-2012 2:41 pm

Come the apocalypse, he'll attach a Dremel to a potato battery and make a killing as a dentist.
- L.M. 1-10-2012 3:54 pm

MacGyver. If Rob doesn't survive the apocalypse humanity is doomed. Maybe we should all chip in and get him a nice bunker for his backyard.

One quibble...that video doesn't show how to make the carrot hollow.

- sally mckay 1-10-2012 4:20 pm

The part where the whistling begins to sound like bird-calls reminds me of the scene in Yehudi Menuhin's documentary 'The Music of Man' where the Zhuihu soloist in the Chinese Orchestra starts free-styling.
- VB 1-11-2012 12:32 am

One quibble...that video doesn't show how to make the carrot hollow.

Um... a Dremel?
- VB 1-11-2012 12:33 am

Dremels are no good on carrots. Makita is the weapon of choice.
- rob (guest) 1-12-2012 6:44 pm

Makita... what model?
- VB 1-13-2012 12:49 am

They are tiny, and awesome.
- Rob (guest) 1-16-2012 6:12 pm

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