PORN TO PIZZA — DOMESTIC CLICHES with Anthony Antonellis (US), Kim Asendorf* (DE) and Ole Fach* (DE), Domenico Barra* (IT), Petra Cortright (US), Kate Durbin (US), Carla Gannis* (US), Laurence Gartel (US), Emilie Gervais (FR), Claudia Hart (US), Paul Hertz* (US), Faith Holland* (US), Lindsay Lawson* (US/DE), Jessica Lichtenstein (US), Patrick Lichty (US), Mark Napier (US), Eva Papamargariti* (GR/UK), Angelo Plessas (GR), Hayley Aviva Silverman (US), Cornelia Sollfrank* (DE), Jonny Star* (DE).

Opening at DAM Gallery, Berlin, Friday September 4th

kate d
Kate Durban

- L.M. 9-02-2015 9:58 am

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