GG_sm Lorna Mills and Sally McKay

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what is an art blog?

- sally mckay 6-25-2004 4:56 pm [link] [2 comments]

Jeffrey Matt and I performed on Tuesday evening at 40 Tiny Queer Performances Under a Pink Light curated by RM Vaughan. It was a fun, fast evening with a great lineup. The deal was that you had one single minute to perform before the lights went down. The acts charged along and the whole darn thing took exactly an hour. I was pretty pleased with our performance, although the rehearsals were better (more physics, less mouse). Jeffrey played the spry jumping-lesson-teacher with knowledge of physics. I played Miss Mouse, the lumpen-yet-game student of jumping. Maybe I'll get some quicktime up one of these days. Pete Dako made a nice post about the evening, and there's a pic of us. (Thanks for the link, Pete!)

- sally mckay 6-25-2004 8:01 am [link] [add a comment]

Interesting survey on art blogging here at MTAA [via Tom Moody]. Tom Moody's answers are here.

- sally mckay 6-24-2004 7:03 pm [link] [5 comments]