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ukele liliefeldt belmore
Mierle Laderman Ukeles Louise Liliefeldt Rebecca Belmore

Louise Liliefeldt is performing in Toronto on Saturday at midnight... in her own home! Yikes! It will for sure be good, but I might be too scared to go. I have seen her perform before and its an intense experience. Here's a snippet I wrote for an exhibition catalogue about Liliefeldt's 2003 performance at York University’s Vari Hall:
When Louise Liliefeldt is performing, she cuts the air at a different angle from the rest of us. Dignified and dangerous, her actions are offered as a challenge and a gift. Through endurance and simple exertions, she objectifies herself, and we experience a shadow of the pain that dehumanization inflicts on the subjugated.
All three of these women are favourites of mine - reading about Ukele in books got me all excited to be an artist in my youth. Liliefeldt and Belmore both have that in-the-moment charisma of great performers (the lack of which people like me try to make up for by talking too much and employing fanciful stage props).

- sally mckay 10-08-2005 1:10 am [link] [3 comments]

RM Vaughan's play The Monster Trilogoy is now showing at Buddies in Bad Times. I love the play, but until last night I'd never seen it staged. RM has a taste for the dark side, and by writing a monologue for the infamous Susan Smith (among other characters) he tugs familiar sad demons into the light of day. If you are sick of people casting the monstrous asunder as if all bad things come from another planet go see this play. It's on until Sunday.

- sally mckay 10-07-2005 4:29 pm [link] [add a comment]