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Lesson archive

Class #24


And now your links, in no particular order unlike the real art world where we see everything in order, and nothing ever confuses or confounds us:




from http://jeffbaij.com/index.html (he did that Blood Vomit piece I showed you many classes back) :
http://jeffbaij.com/work/airshow.html, http://jeffbaij.com/work/animalmixup.html, http://jeffbaij.com/work/asyncingmachine.html (scrolling cells), http://jeffbaij.com/work/ascendant.html, http://jeffbaij.com/work/backgroundgifsforegroundgifs.html, http://jeffbaij.com/work/navigation/nightmare.html

http://folksomy.net/jukebox/computerlove/index.html, http://folksomy.net/jukebox/console/index.html








http://mouchette.org/ (Sally McKay's comments on Mouchette)

This is your final class with me, I can help you with technical problems that you may have with your assignments.

In the meantime, get all these class links onto your own systems. I will be re-tooling the course in the future so this site won't be up for ever, and we have looked at a lot of terrific contemporary online work. I hope it gave all of you ideas for entry points with your own art activities. Some of you will end up challenging many of the prevailing aesthetics of this medium as I've presented it. That's your job (I've told you so often that most of this stuff just might have best-before-dates.)

I hope that some of you continue with the postings on the group blog. I'm not sure how long Berkeley will be hosting the one we've used, but at this point a lot of you can figure out who you'd like to be collaborating with in the future.

Finally Chris Ashley looked up Guelph on Google Earth and this is what he got. Being from California, I will suppose that he's envious of our temperate locale.


- L.M. 11-25-2008 7:57 am [link]

Class #23


Remember when Paul showed you how to upload to the school server through Dreamweaver and then remember how you all forgot, and then remember how you asked me how to do it and then remember how I didn't know because I really wasn't really listening to Paul in the first place? Remember? Well Paul's reign of terror is over now and he's moved to another job at the University so we are now working with Matt. And he couldn't care less about learning dreamweaver so that he can explain this all to us again. So we will use an easier (and FREE) FTP client to get your flash files to the university server. (compliments of Madeline who loves Firefox)

File Transfer Protocol (FTP): (this links to a definition of FTP that you will of course ignore, but humour me so that you can nod your head when someone tells you to upload a file to their ftp server)

1) open Firefox>Tools menu> Add-ons> Get Extensions (takes you to the Firefox Add-ons page)

2) in the search box enter FireFTP and install it on your system. (then close and open firefox again)

3) open fireFTP and create your account:


4) Fucksocks!

5) Connect > select file from your hard drive and click the arrow to upload it to your directory on the university server. For your img and embed tags use the url: www.uoguelph.ca/~yourname/whatevs.gif (or jpeg or swf)

to embed the Flash SWF file called flashthingie.swf (that you just uploaded) in your HTML:

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,0,0" width="550" height="400" id="flashthingie" align="middle">
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
<param name="movie" value="http://www.uoguelph.ca/~yourName/flashthingie.swf" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />
<param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />
<param src="http://www.uoguelph.ca/~yourName/flashthingie.swf"quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="550" height="400" name="flashthingie" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" />

(before you go copying and pasting this, remember that your movie parameters will be a bit different, you can always generate an HTML file with your .swf when you export and lift that code, just remember to change the pathnames to your space on the school server)

more links:



http://www.achievershvac.com/ac-unit.swf (basically this class is all about anything that moves)

http://www.c3.hu/collection/form/ (or anything we can make move)



http://www.songsofthehumpbackwhale.com/lines_on_a_page.html (anything that moves, we will watch in this class)


- L.M. 11-20-2008 7:21 am [link]

Class #22


A small addendum to the previous class about copyright and how we are all headed for jail (where you can enroll in my prison crafts course and learn how to make wallets from cigarette packages). One of my blogging friends posted this definition of copyleft.


Also in recent pirate news from the CBC:
"A Calgary man is believed to be the first person convicted in Canada under new movie pirating legislation when he pleaded guilty to the unauthorized recording of the Johnny Depp movie Sweeney Todd.

Richard Lissaman was arrested in a northeast Calgary theatre last Dec. 21 making an illegal copy of the movie.

The 21-year-old pleaded guilty on Friday, was fined $1,495 and banned from movie cinemas for a year.

Other stipulations for his one-year probation include being banned from purchasing, owning or possessing any video recording equipment, including one on a cellphone.

"We would have liked to see jail ... however, this is a good start," said Virginia Jones of the Canadian Motion Picture Distributors Association."

The article goes on to tell us that a rep from Paramount Pictures in Hollywood came to the Calgary courtroom to read a victim impact statement. (Perhaps he wept.)

Anyhoo, onwards:

In case you were wondering why I didn't show you much early net art, it's because MOST OF THE LINKS ARE DEAD. (with the exception of the awesome Olia Lialina, who always keeps her links alive). Also Potatoland who we looked at last class: http://potatoland.com/landfill/ And this link is alive and kicking in more ways than one: http://www.easylife.org/netart/catalogue.html

Further onwards:

Brilliant use of 3D graphic glitches: http://maxpaynecheatsonly.jodi.org/index.html

and: http://wwwwwwwww.jodi.org/







Tuesday the 25th is my last class with you, not the 27th as we assumed earlier. On the 27th there will be another class in the lab so some of you won't have access to a computer.

I am told that the lab will be opened on Friday the 28th from 8:30 until 4:30 for students who need to complete work. (the new tech guy who's name is not-Paul will be there)

You can email your final projects (browser pages) to me on or before November 29. Because you are sending them to me, TEST THEM OUT ON YOUR FELLOW STUDENTS. That means email your browser pages to a friend's system and make sure that the page opens and appears as you intended.

For the rest of the class period, check out the puppycam WHILE YOU WORK

- L.M. 11-18-2008 6:59 am [link]

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