GG_sm Lorna Mills and Sally McKay

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There is Neutrino news (thanks JM) in the Nobel Intent journal at Ars Technica. Posted by Chris Lee. Quote:
A consequence of the known neutrino types having mass is that there must be a fourth type of neutrino, one that has even weaker interactions with ordinary matter and has been dubbed the sterile neutrino."
4 flavours of neutrino! One of them "sterile." And it might have mass which would mean a lot of matter we couldn't account for before. Plus a lot of other trippy stuff about the early universe. Cosmology hurts my head. There's more here at New Scientist Space dot com. Quote:
[Alexander Kusenko] says the fact that sterile neutrinos could account for such a wide variety of astrophysical puzzles is a "highly non-trivial coincidence" and a "strong indication this may be right".

- sally mckay 3-30-2006 6:28 am [link] [4 comments]

peggy gale
Peggy Gale, Governor General's Award winner
Photo: Martin Lipman

I normally don't pay much attention to the Governor General's Awards for art, except to count up the ration of men to women and wonder if I'm being political or petty. But I just realised that Peggy Gale, who I wrote about here, won this year for "outstanding contribution." This is great news! Gale's writing about video art provides essential context, exploring both the conceptual implications and the experimental physical experiences of the technology. She has stayed with the medium intellectually, charting its trajectory from the transgressive, performative beginnings of TV-in-the-hands-of-artists, to the present diffusion into a plethora of moving images online, in the gallery, at the theatre, on DVD, and cell phones. Here is what Sarah Milroy at the Globe had to say:
Gale is being honoured for her pioneering work as a curator and writer. Her exhibition Videoscapes, at the Art Gallery of Ontario in 1974, was one of the first in the world to isolate and examine the new phenomenon of video art and was a first step in establishing a canon of Canadian video art. In addition, Gale has served as director of the artist-run centre A Space and, later, of Art Metropole (an important early centre for video distribution in Toronto). Since 1981, she has worked as a freelance curator, editor and writer.

- sally mckay 3-29-2006 4:26 am [link] [add a comment]


- sally mckay 3-27-2006 5:53 pm [link] [2 comments]

swans flying
swans landing
swans collected

- sally mckay 3-27-2006 5:53 pm [link] [add a comment]


Birds seen from train window between Toronto and London, morning of March 23rd, overcast.

killdeer: 1
cardinal: 1
blue jay: 1
kestrel: 2
bufflehead: 3
robin: 4
mallard: 4
blackbird: 5
red tailed hawk: 5
red-winged blackbird: 53
morning dove: 21
grackle: 6
seagull: 12
swan: 4 + 1 flock
crow: 47
Canada goose: 16 + 2 flocks
pigeon: 47 + 1 flock
starling: 72 + 3 flocks

Somewhat Identified
some kind of duck: 2
some kind of hawk: 5
blackbird or grackle: 3 + 1 flock
warbler or finch or sparrow: 25
blackbird or red-winged blackbird: 42
blackbird or starling: 86

Not Identified At All
some kind of bird: 23 + 1 flock

- sally mckay 3-27-2006 6:32 am [link] [3 comments]


Recent low blog activity on my part due to South Western Ontario train trip with stops in Windsor and London, and a side jaunt (by car) to Aylmer. More detail soon.


- sally mckay 3-27-2006 5:52 am [link] [add a comment]