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There is a nice article here by Steven Pinker summing up the current theories in the science of consciousness. (thanks Timmer!) Quote:
Another startling conclusion from the science of consciousness is that the intuitive feeling we have that there's an executive "I" that sits in a control room of our brain, scanning the screens of the senses and pushing the buttons of the muscles, is an illusion. Consciousness turns out to consist of a maelstrom of events distributed across the brain. These events compete for attention, and as one process outshouts the others, the brain rationalizes the outcome after the fact and concocts the impression that a single self was in charge all along.
Mark mentioned in some perception thread ages ago about the eye being an outgrowth of the brain. I went looking for some more info and found this cool sight, which describes "lateral inhibition" really well, complete with opticall illusion illustrations. Quote:
The organization of the brain is such as to create "abstractions", rather than to simply take input at face value. A checkerboard is a checkerboard is a checkerboard not because the input reaching our eyes is the same at all times but rather because the nervous system is organized to reject some information and replace it with other information. The "booming, buzzing confusion" of the external world is rendered stable and comprehensible by the organization of the nervous system. That organization represents information added by the nervous system to the information is receives, and constitutes a presumption that there exist stable, constant external forms with well-defined boundaries. The presumption is strong enough so the nervous system actually creates boundaries where none in fact exist...

- sally mckay 2-01-2007 6:55 pm [link] [add a comment]

I'm on the Editorial Committee at FUSE magazine with a great bunch of people. It's very very interesting, I'm learning lots. I hope y'all can come out to the launch on Thursday of our current issue. Details below...
fuse cover2

an invitation from FUSE magazine, precarity-canada
and the Toronto School of Creativty and Inquiry
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Thursday, February 1, 2007
Smiling Buddha Bar
(962 College St., Toronto)
7:30pm sharp
Pay What You Can or
$10 dollars includes a copy of the issue
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For the launch of the current issue of FUSE magazine, we have invited community organizations, political groups, and individuals to make statements on how "PRECARITY" affects their work and lives and how they are fighting back. We see the concept of precarity as a useful way of linking existing struggles and strengthening networks of solidarity and we want to hear how this network could help in your struggles.

We invite you to join us and make your own statement on precarity by participating in the on-site production of a video archive, or to just come out to support community organizations, FUSE magazine and precarity-canada by enjoying a night of djs, dancing, and drinking.
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We are precarious when we are homeless, unemployed, and underemployed; when we are struggling to pay rent, to find work, to access resources; when we are exploited, living under occupation, without status, and without benefits; when we are policed, surveilled and imprisoned; when we are isolated, alienated, and under-romanced. For these and many other reasons, we are precarious.

more information on precarity....
[for more information on the event, contact precarity {at}]

- sally mckay 1-30-2007 6:17 pm [link] [3 refs] [3 comments]


Monophonic 2007 wood, fluorescent lights, speaker box

New work by Nestor Krüger on now until March 10, 2007 at Goodwater Gallery
234 Queen Street East (Queen & Sherbourne)

- L.M. 1-28-2007 9:00 pm [link] [5 comments]

Ryszard Kapuscinski 1932-2007


I was hoping he'd live forever and eventually write about everything.

- L.M. 1-26-2007 4:27 am [link] [1 ref] [1 comment]

Laurel Woodcock

wish you were here³ 2003 airplane with banner, DVD, mixed media installation

TRIBUTE wall lamp 2004 animated GIF version of 20 free-floating light boxes (12 1/2” x 12 1/2”) display images of the artists’ hand illuminating a variety of Bic lighters.

Unsolicited Service 2006 Photo documentation of performance: "I took on the role of artists as
service provider by delivering espressor and hot milk to people in the morning — unannounced."

- L.M. 1-25-2007 7:51 am [link] [1 ref] [1 comment]

Panya Clark Espinal

Pan_1 pan_2
The Jack Pine Remembered 2003 aluminum, steel, paint, 15' x 6' x 6'

Thief 1999-2000 wooden trunk, wood, latex paint

Tart 2000 wooden pie safe, wood, latex paint

Four men who I never met and whom never knew each other but whose
bloodlines converge in my children
2003 aluminum, latex paint, powder coating
clockwise from upper left (from varying angles): Pedro Espinal, Juan de Dios Merlos,
Almeron Husband, and Avdeij Plistik

- L.M. 1-24-2007 5:32 am [link] [12 comments]