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How does it get to be called "looting" when you are wading through a flood to an abandoned grocery store to get food and non-oil-soaked beverages to keep yourself and your family/friends/neighbours alive? Says Bush in his zero tolerance against so called crime in the disaster zone speech, "If they want food and water, we'll get them food and water." Uh, okay...when?

- sally mckay 9-01-2005 5:00 pm [link] [33 comments]


I can tell from recent comments that the low level of activity here is causing some unrest. It's still August and we should be dozing in the sun but in fact we are working on oth er stuff (details pending). Okay, we are dozing in the sun. It's the all the giant bees around, they're soporific. In the meantime, you can read Overheard in New York (thanks to L.M.) and check out the wack atom bomb art at US Naval Historical Centre (thanks to Rob Cruickshank). In fact copious and continual thanks are owing to L.M. and Rob for the constant stream of good reading material, like The Bomb: A Life (L.M.) and the Donald Duck atom bomb comic strip (R.C.).

- sally mckay 8-27-2005 1:29 am [link] [4 comments]


- sally mckay 8-24-2005 6:22 pm [link] [add a comment]

bomb dream
- sally mckay 8-21-2005 1:56 am [link] [8 comments]

ghost garden
- sally mckay 8-21-2005 1:55 am [link] [3 comments]

Thanks to B. Smiley for this link Radio Netherlands' Vox Humana series. I just listened to the excellent show about international law. It's only available this week, so catch it soon! Some quotes:
"If there is no public support for a military operation is becomes difficult and in some cases impossible to carry on."


"Each of us can get a copy of the Geneva Conventions off the Red Cross website. The language is clear. You can be the judge of whether you think violations have been committed, and your opinion can help make or reinforce international law."


"The Hague Conventions back in the turn of the century, and the Geneva Conventions, have a prinicple of law that is binding on the international community. This legal rule says 'at all times combatants and civilians are protected by principles of law of civilized countries, principles of humanity, and the dictates of the public conscience.' This can be legally relevant in an actual tribunal. Listeners to this broadcast become part of the public conscience as well, and how they may react: letters to the editor or calling in the station or saying 'we think that there are violations,' all of this becomes the backdrop for potential lawsuits."

- sally mckay 8-16-2005 12:52 am [link] [6 comments]