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TAAFI is a big art fair in Toronto that happens at the same time as the official art fair in Toronto. I don't like art fairs but TAAFI is different. Don't miss Lorna Mills', Living Will By Sandra Rechico By Lorna Mills, 2005, video installation (a Drake "Invitational").
"Based on a true story, this video is the second installment in the series Peace Time Activities that began with Mill's 2004 video LM vs. Leni R. In this new, mercifully short video, Mills continues to toy with recent conventions of reality television and directorial abuse."
Also Andrew J. Paterson, just back from a big do in Calagary, is performing at the Gala at the Gladstone on Thursday and so are Tanya Mars and Miss Canadiana. Also there's a big contingent of groovy nature-kitsch-and-myth with Mary Anne Barkhouse, Fastwurms and Allyson Mitchell all showing in the same building.

Also Lise Brin is hosting another colouring night on Friday! (The last one brought out my dark side.)

And lots of other stuff too...

- sally mckay 11-03-2005 4:52 am [link] [4 comments]

Canzine was very very fun. Grey Goo sold out, which was gratifying, and the Halloween 1/2 Accordion Dime-a-Death Puppet Performances (a shorter name is in the works) were a hit. We forgot to put this drawing in the zine!

rob's owl

How could we? Well because we had another even better one that we used instead. Thanks Rob.

NOTE: Jim Munroe was a real star on Sunday. No Media Kings was a hive of useful information. Jim ran a tight, packed schedule of panels and screenings. If all you did was sit in that one room all day, you would've had a great day.

- sally mckay 11-03-2005 4:51 am [link] [add a comment]

There are a bunch of indie publishing things going on this week:

Tonight (!) from 7:00-9:30 is the launch Emily Pohl-Weary's new book of poems, Iron-on Constellations, published by the new press Tightrope Books (details here).

Also tonight, Nathaniel G. Moore launches his book bowlbrawl at the Indigo on Yonge & Eglinton.

Saturday (11:00-5:00) is the Toronto Small Press Book Fair at Trinity-St. Paul.

Also on Saturday afternoon from 1:00-5:00, Art Metropole is launching a new print by Julie Voyce, one of the best artists who ever lived, and she's right here in our town!

On Saturday evening, at 5:00, is the launch for a bunch of titles from Conundrum Press at Toronto Free Gallery, with readings by Maya Merrick, Elisabeth Belliveau, Marc Ngui, and Julia Tausch.

On Sunday, from 12:00-5:00, Jerry Lee Miller is hosting a literacy awareness event and one-day zine challenge at OISE (252 Bloor St. West, South Peace Lounge, 7th floor). I would love to go to all these events but instead I will be busy getting ready for...
Canzine (1:00-7:00 at the Gladstone). Me and Von Bark will be introducing our new zine under the alpha bee cat imprint (along with some other bits and pieces). And I'll be talking on a panel about D.I.Y. collaboration, organised by Jim Munroe.hal_logo

- sally mckay 10-28-2005 8:39 pm [link] [3 comments]

People don't like to be reminded that lurking somewhere there are people who can do some shit that you can't do. They can think a way you can't think, they can dance a way you can't dance. They are excellent. You aren't excellent.

- sally mckay 10-27-2005 7:43 pm [link] [1 comment]

On Monday night I rode my bike in the sleetish rain to the Rex to watch Rob Cruickshank project slides to the live sounds of Methusela. I wore the wrong trousers for the bike with no chain guard and had to roll up my pant leg, which was chilly. Also, in case y'all haven't noticed, it's DARK at 5:30 these days. And also my gloves are faulty. So by the time I got there I was feeling distinctly Novemberish and bleak. The bar was kind of empty-ish but not completely, as befits a Monday night. Rob was in the zone, his nighttime slides of storefronts and subway stations enhanced the bitter-slowly-turning-sweet urban mood of the evening. Methusula are easy on the ears and don't demand a change of frame of mind. Rob's super 8/slide connections were hitting the mark: astronauts filed dreamily out of the lurid glowing window of a Queen West fabric store, soldiers leapt from helicopters into a sea labelled "MEAT" and a rocket ship fired up through the torso of a mannikin in a red dress which morphed into an old cave stalactite trajectory. Faded phallic images from the past ticked into the atmosphere of a quiet, slick-street evening in Toronto in the late autumn.

They're going to do it again next week (Halloween) so go see for yourself.

- sally mckay 10-26-2005 7:01 pm [link] [1 comment]

tonight! YYZ Books is hosting a launch for the newest issue of The Ganzfeld. Also there will be Paper Rad stuff there too! And after that is the Toronto Comic Jam at the Cameron.


6 - 9 pm
The Ganzfeld #4 Book Launch at
YYZ Artists Outlet, 401 Richmond St. W., Suite 140

9 pm on...
Toronto Comic Jam in the back room at
the Cameron House, 408 Queen St. West (north side, just West of Spadina)

- sally mckay 10-25-2005 10:32 pm [link] [add a comment]