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Jennifer McMackon has posted a considered, critical (in two senses of the word) review of Quantal Strife at Simpleposie. Her review and my response are here. I have also posted a brief response to Peter Goddard's Toronto Star review here (scroll down).

- sally mckay 3-17-2006 6:55 am [link] [2 refs] [7 comments]


I'm definitely getting on the bus tomorrow (March 16th) to Doris McCarthy Gallery for the opening of Return, Afghanistan, a show of work by Zalmaï, an Afghani photographer. I've seen some of these pictures in a book and they are gorgeous. It's timely. And the opening is going to be really fun, with good food and music too. As always, the bus is FREE!

Zalmaï: Return, Afghanistan
March 16 - May 12, 2006

Opening: March 16, 2006, 6-9 pm
With traditional Afghan dance, food and music
Official Remarks by Ambassador Omar Samad, Afghanistan Ambassador to Canada at 7 pm
Rubab and tabla performance by Yasser Karimzad, James Kippen and Atiq Nikzad

Free bus departs 401 Richmond Street West at 6:30 pm and returns from UTSC at 9 pm

- sally mckay 3-15-2006 11:01 pm [link] [3 comments]

Uh-oh. That killer whale named Luna living in the harbour at Gold River died this morning. Apparently a tugboat was involved. [earlier post]

- sally mckay 3-11-2006 12:26 am [link] [add a comment]

Jim Munroe posted a very nice Q&A with me about Quantal Strife on No Media Kings.

- sally mckay 3-10-2006 9:34 pm [link] [add a comment]

cat bird

- sally mckay 3-10-2006 8:52 pm [link] [3 comments]

Excerpt from Naomi Klein's article in Harpers (2004), describing in specific terms the US failure to transform Iraq into an unregulated utopia for international corporations.
In one dark corner of the [soap] plant, we came across an old man hunched over a sack filled with white plastic caps. With a thin metal blade lodged in a wedge of wax, he carefully whittled down the edges of each cap, leaving a pile of shavings at his feet. “We don’t have the spare part for the proper mold, so we have to cut them by hand,” his supervisor explained apologetically. “We haven’t received any parts from Germany since the sanctions began.” I noticed that even on the assembly lines that were nominally working there was almost no mechanization: bottles were held under spouts by hand because conveyor belts don’t convey, lids once snapped on by machines were being hammered in place with wooden mallets. Even the water for the factory was drawn from an outdoor well, hoisted by hand, and carried inside.

- sally mckay 3-08-2006 8:44 pm [link] [5 comments]