GG_sm Lorna Mills and Sally McKay

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golden compass

We finally watched The Golden Compass. I don't understand why people seem to hate it so much. I loved the books, and thought the movie was perfectly entertaining: non-stop action with no draggy bits, groovy dirigibles, suitably cute daemons animated just fine, better-than competent and charismatic child acting, creepy Nicole Kidman, faithful to the dark scary stuff in the books, faithful to the kid-like P.O.V. of Lyra/Pan. The only complaint I had was that Ian McKellen was mis-cast as the Gandalf voice for Iorek Byrnison. That bear shoulda been less of a sage and more of a roust-a-bout. Otherwise, it was fun and I wish they were going to make the rest of the trilogy. Also, the website has a quiz you can fill out to get a daemon assigned (click on "daemons"). Mine is an osprey. If I was 8 again I would be in heaven.

- sally mckay 5-26-2008 11:08 pm [link] [32 comments]


Got Ten (10) art related questions?

simpleposie invites you to submit a ten question questionnaire on the subject of anything art related.
No question is too silly or too smart. Send your questionnaire to J@simpleposie

Its not for money - only love... and the possibility of a great online art conversation.
If you would like to see your questionnaire on simpleposie this summer, the deadline is June 30, 2008.

*All submissions subject to editorial approval.


Some guest questionnaires from last year: Jamie Tolagson's 11 questions,
La Questionnaire par Wil Murray,
Sally Mckay's cryptic queries & Lorna Mills on VVORK.


- L.M. 5-26-2008 8:12 am [link] [add a comment]

Two songs about death by Bill Monroe.


- L.M. 5-25-2008 8:05 am [link] [15 comments]


- L.M. 5-24-2008 6:24 am [link] [1 comment]

Alan Flint - Look Power at CRAM, (a loose collective operating Canada's smallest gallery)
24 James Street - 2nd Floor, St. Catharines, ON. May 30 - June 17, 2008

Opening: Friday, May 30th, 8:00 pm

Badge Magic Series: VanVouVer 2008 silkscreen, 13in x14.5in

Badge Magic Series: Viatoria 2008 silkscreen, 13in x14.5in

- L.M. 5-23-2008 5:19 am [link] [1 comment]

Gene Threndyle, the man with the rock collection that looks good enough to eat. Both images from the installation Rocks of The Great Lakes, currently on display at York Quay Galleries until June 22.

gene 1

gene 2

There is more from Gene at, inlcuding this video document of the Human Jukebox, which VB and I were lucky enought to happen upon on sunny summer day.

- sally mckay 5-22-2008 2:26 pm [link] [1 comment]