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Sunday Devotional: Sparks

This Town Ain't Big Enough for The Both of Us

Dick Around

From the movie 'Roller Coaster'

(posted by VB via SM).
- sally mckay 9-13-2009 3:47 pm [link] [4 comments]

Kristan Horton: Orbits, Sept. 12 - Oct. 10, 2009 at Jessica Bradley Art + Projects, 1450 Dundas Street W., Toronto

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Orbit: Red Plate Tokyo and Orbit: Styrene 2009 44 " x 57.3 ", colour print

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Orbit: Disposible Gloves and Orbit: Doorknob 2009 44 " x 57.3 ", colour print

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Orbit: Dark Center and Orbit: Zen 2009 44 " x 57.3 ", colour print

- L.M. 9-12-2009 5:16 am [link] [add a comment]

Ed Pien at the Tree Museum, Gravenhurst, Ontario

Psycho 2009 one of 12 polished metal disks, 2.5 feet in diameter

Tempest 2009

False 2009

- L.M. 9-11-2009 5:38 am [link] [add a comment]

Heidi Schaefer - elevation at Stantec Window Gallery, Spadina Ave and Wellington St., Toronto until September 20, 2009



- L.M. 9-10-2009 2:34 pm [link] [add a comment]

Notes on making value judgements and empiricism vs universality...

I'm reading neuroscientist Semir Zeki's new book, Splendours and Miseries of the Brain (2009). Zeki is the guy who basically founded neuroaesthetics with his influential 1999 book, Inner Vision: An Exploration of Art and the Brain. I'm digging the new one more. He's been engaging seriously with artists and art historians over the past ten yeras and he's refined his theory in a good direction.

As I mentioned in a recent post, one of the problems with neuroaesthetics is the tendency for people to focus too much on the autonomic systems. It makes sense, because the unconscious processes are the ones that can be isolated and studied with the technologies (fMRI and monkey experiments) available to neuroscience. Most neuroscientists make it very clear that their experimental findings do not address the whole picture of human consciousness. But some art folk, like historian John Onians, have been taking up this focus on unconscious brain activity with unbridled enthusiasm and layering it with dubious meanings.


- sally mckay 9-09-2009 2:46 pm [link] [9 comments]

Dyan Marie 2009 Billboard installation at the tree museum, Gravenhurst, Ontario


- L.M. 9-07-2009 6:48 pm [link] [add a comment]