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- L.M. 6-21-2012 1:34 pm [link] [5 comments]

Nicholas O'Brien - A Temporary Memorial Project for Jobbers' Canyon Built with ConAgra Products

(click through image for project site)

- L.M. 6-20-2012 5:49 am [link] [add a comment]


New post from Leiflet (with technical gif support by Sally McKay)

The Imperialist Airship Scheme: R100 in Toronto, 1930


- L.M. 6-19-2012 1:45 pm [link] [3 comments]

Andrew Benson - All for you forever at WAG (Widget Art Gallery) curated by Chiara Passa


- L.M. 6-18-2012 5:40 pm [link] [add a comment]

midnight train

My Obsession With Chess by Scott McCloud
is a mini graphic novelette from the late 20th century which is designed to be viewed on a classic web browser...

Virtually anyone interested in understanding the basic techniques of sequential graphic narratives (comics) has heard of Scott McCloud's famous 1993 book, Understanding Comics. He published a sequel in 2000, Reinventing Comics, where he anticipated many issues about adapting the comics form for these modern internets.

My Obsession with Chess was presented online in 1999. In his introduction, he said: "My fourth online comic seemed to strike a chord with many readers, despite requiring side-scrolling as well as down-scrolling (which I'll admit, can be pretty annoying)."

The side-scrolling & down-scrolling-ness root this piece in a specific place in history, which might make it feel dated if we think that 13 years ago is either too recent or not recent enough for our contemporary tastes. But the significant thing is that these side-scrolling and down-scrolling interactions required of the reader actually emulate the process of physically interacting with a chessboard, which is conceptually rather elegant.
- VB 6-15-2012 4:33 am [link] [3 comments]

Post by Sally McKay :

tap gif

Gif constructed from the paintings in Monica Tap's Six Ways from Sunday (made with the artist's permission). Each painting is 60 x 100 inches.

My review of Six Ways from Sunday is now on Art Fag City.

- sally mckay 6-14-2012 12:12 pm [link] [add a comment]