TPB thursdays at 9 BBCamerica

- bill 5-26-2004 7:13 am

Is this on your digital cable menu? Is it edited?
- tom moody 5-26-2004 7:17 am [add a comment]

yes, no. bubbles its rebroadcasted a few other times during the week too.
- bill 5-26-2004 7:26 am [add a comment]

my current favourite line: "Don't be slagging jail, Julian. We've had some good times in there."
- sally mckay 5-26-2004 5:19 pm [add a comment]

correction : its not really edited but bbc america bleeps out the f word. over and over and...

- bill 6-04-2004 9:50 pm [add a comment]

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