if cribs is here, then growing up gotti is here.

- bill 8-03-2004 6:30 am

my computer might be acting up, but I think you neglected us some of your links bill?
- selma 8-03-2004 8:41 pm [add a comment]

its not you selma its me. i was watching GUG last night and thought i'd make a rare brilliant observation.
- bill 8-03-2004 8:55 pm [add a comment]

o. there was another one too (below), brilliant observation that is? I think I am out of the loop. But that is nothing new.
- selma 8-03-2004 10:00 pm [add a comment]

posted "uh oh" cause i was worried TM had gone "no comments". turned out to be temporary, so i wiped it. (not brilliant) phew!

can i just say how glad i am your posting here. cheers.

- bill 8-03-2004 10:33 pm [add a comment]

so can I ask.. what is GUG?

I have been a bit burnt out on" architecture", hence my lack of commenting. nothing personal I sincerely assure you.
- selma 8-03-2004 10:47 pm [add a comment]

"growing up gotti"

hell its summer and we should all be taking a vacation from the same-o same-o.

heading to (an island) vinalhaven me. tomorrow to check out possible location for container house on coastline. next october going to alpine tx outside marfa to check out another possible location. timed to coincide w/ the big annual art party at donald judd compound.
- bill 8-03-2004 11:15 pm [add a comment]

  • That sounds really nice. Two interesting (and very far away) but really different places for possible sites. Vinalhaven is supposed to be beautiful, take pictures if you can. (And home to our frequently discussed Robert Indiana, no?).
    I have always wanted to go to Marfa, but I think lightening fields will come first when I get to that list.

    - selma 8-03-2004 11:31 pm [add a comment]

  • ill try to post some digital images from the field. yes home to R.I. (story to follow).

    - bill 8-04-2004 12:06 am [add a comment]

Bill, while you are out and about:
Africans Find a Refuge in Cast-Off 'Big Boxes'
"...As suburban strip malls go, it's not unlike that found in many American towns. With one exception: it consists entirely of shipping containers.

Western retail architecture is defined by golden arches and big-box merchandisers. In much of poorer Africa - in much of the developing world - "big box" means a rusting container of corrugated steel, usually 20 feet long, culled from giant cargo ships for use as a restaurant, a beauty salon, or, as the accompanying photographs suggest, you name it.

Condemning this container sprawl as the ultimate expression of the West's disposable society would be easy. The container is a spectacularly successful American invention, and the homely ones that litter the African landscape are mostly the leavings of big Western shippers.

But it isn't that simple. Many Africans who have converted the containers - into schools, community centers and even homes - might disagree. They are the grown-up equivalents of the empty refrigerator box that children play in. Ugly or not, containers can become anything one wants - and cheaply."

NYTimes, Week in Review, August 8

- selma 8-09-2004 7:26 pm [add a comment]

Okay, off topic (and something that has got me a bit burning - as opposed to feeling "burnt" out) - take a look at the issue date and the RFP deadline date! Gee, you think this is already in the bag?.. And, as a friend noted, issued in August when most of Europe is on vacation and won't have time to respond):


Architectural Services for
World Trade Center Cultural Program:
Performing Arts Complex - North Building
Museum Complex - South Building
The Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, a subsidiary of
the New York State Urban Development Corporation
d/b/a Empire State Development Corporation, in collaboration
with the Drawing Center, the International Freedom Center, the
Joyce Theater International Dance Center, and the Signature
Theatre Center, seeks proposals to provide Architectural services
for the cultural and related facilities relating to the World Trade
Center Cultural Program.
Lower Manhattan Development Corporation
John C. Whitehead, Chairman
Kevin M. Rampe, President
August 2, 2004
Pre-proposal conference: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 9:00 AM EST
Deadline for responses: September 1, 2004, 5:00 PM EST

For all 27 glorious pages go to www.renewnyc.com site.
- selma 8-10-2004 2:48 am [add a comment]

  • selma, thanks for keeping things going while i was away. i had to compete with my hosts kids for computer time. next year, airport extreme aught to connect the cabin to the dsl connection in the main (maine) house. do you take digital snap shots when on the road ? seattle for instance.

    - bill 8-10-2004 10:19 pm [add a comment]

  • Apparently there was standing room only.
    This is going to be such a mess, correction; this is already such a mess.

    - selma 8-13-2004 1:05 am [add a comment]

so how did it go? Is Vinalhaven the future home of bill and the container house?
I did take some pictures - I will try to get them up. I am trying to figure out how to do that (camera issue). The library really was amazing, but I also saw a mess of a project by Frank Gehry - something called the Experience Music Project. I had never been to Seattle before. Seems like a really nice city, now with a really nice library...
- selma 8-10-2004 10:53 pm [add a comment]

it turns out a neighbor of my host is thinking of letting go of an acre lot on his property. what makes it a great spot (high up on a granite bluff overlooking old harbor) covered in spruce with a moss carpet, also makes it difficult to deliver and stack containers we are looking into an access road. there is doubt on cost effectiveness of a helo drop. the season is so damn short 2 mos great (almost warm) weather 4 mos of interesting weather and the other 8 mos involve challenging weather and isolation. im staying here for now. theres always alpine tx, ill know more about that after october trip. iff'in' you want, you can e.mail me any pic you want to post. just add schwarzstudio to the usual aol tag. 50k is standard size for this site.
- bill 8-11-2004 12:36 am [add a comment]

Actually the coast of WA reminded me of Maine - jagged, pebbles, gnarled driftwood...
The property sounds beautiful, if not challenging.
Emailing pictures seems to be a problem as well. I think it is the software of my computer v. the camera. I'll try to get it (I am hopeless).
One perfect moment I took with me - no camera on me - was at one of the state beaches: the entire beach was covered with layers of driftwood and about a dozen families were making little houses/shelters/forts. Some not so little and some outrageously elaborate (‘hand me that piece! It’s perfect for the window’). It was like a giant lincoln log set for kids. (I guess this is the Pacific North West's version of the sandcastle?) I witnessed amazing imagination as I walked up and down the shoreline.
But that is not architecture, oh wait actually...
- selma 8-11-2004 1:21 am [add a comment]

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