right wing real estate blog "curbed" exclaiming 'bout 29-45 million dollar asking prices for modules in the calatrava tower and thi$ guy is yakking about it. that and all the different hats that calatrava wears. so what.

- bill 5-03-2005 10:27 pm

It's not his fault he got the commission to do the building. Our skyline should be so lucky, although we are back to the symbolism of wealth in the silhouette.
I wish 80 South Street was in place of the "freedom tower."

And the Met is going to be a really really good show.
(Tuesday optimism)
- selma 5-04-2005 12:52 am [add a comment]

i know, i love this building.
- bill 5-04-2005 12:58 am [add a comment]

why are you calling the blog "right wing?"
- dave 5-04-2005 3:14 am [add a comment]

dont they own ownership?
- bill 5-04-2005 11:09 am [add a comment]

im not sure what that means but as far as i know its all lockhart steeles. he may be conservative (i dont even know if that is true) for a new yorker but i doubt hes rightwing (and all that implies). perhaps you could enlighten me as to why you made such a designation.

are you confusing him with nick denton who has a libertarianish bent, IIRC?
- dave 5-04-2005 3:21 pm [add a comment]

ownership. steele, right. we can over do hyperbole here at schwarz sometimes. sorry for the cornfusion.
- bill 5-04-2005 6:01 pm [add a comment]

what led you to that conclusion in the first place?
- dave 5-04-2005 6:51 pm [add a comment]

from my experience the curbed blog has always come off as a narrow reading on the commerce of place and things for manhattan centric yuppies. not an easy game to break into for most people from the margin. essentially a trade blog for careerist ubber consumers. since schwarz is a fake architecture blog and we dont have to worry about who we bump into at trade shows or reception parties (or back in the office for that matter) we frequently abuse that position by making fun of people who blog for dollars by exaggerating their shortcomings or sometimes just stating the obvious. and by we i mean of course, me and my cat.
- bill 5-04-2005 7:16 pm [add a comment]

Those yups (and franchises) are destroying (have destroyed) Manhattan as a diverse, culture-producing locale in the name of property rights and "greed is good." If that isn't right wing I don't know what is.
- tom moody 5-04-2005 7:32 pm [add a comment]

pretty huge leap from "manhattan yuppie" to "right wing," miss coulter, uh, i mean, bill.
- dave 5-04-2005 7:38 pm [add a comment]

not that huge in the "die [you gentrifying] yuppie scum" sense of the term. ann gets paid, i do this for free.

- bill 5-04-2005 7:41 pm [add a comment]

im sure ann gives plenty away pro-bono. and what makes you think youre not a gentrifier? after you renovate do you plan to sell your apartments/condos based on need?
- dave 5-04-2005 7:53 pm [add a comment]

you might could make that case. as a blog project i would say there is more investigation here of aspects of survival than festival atmosphere consumption.

- bill 5-04-2005 8:06 pm [add a comment]

all im saying is they is wannabe limosine liberals, not rightwingers. "rightwinger" is freighted with the baggage of cultural conservatism. im not ready to equate all forms of materialism with the right wing yet.

- dave 5-04-2005 8:26 pm [add a comment]

this is what i could find on limousine-liberal etymology. and here is wannabe. the two word version had the word desperate in the definition. i would say the wannabe factor makes for a separate animal. while true limo-liberals might spend plenty of time compensating for their affluent social status or wealth with public service, the wannabe limo-liberal functions desperately in guilt free service to conservative forces. thats necessicary you the "u" part of yuppie. design*sponges post the day after the election was priceless. there is at some point a crossover even if its unwitting.
- bill 5-04-2005 9:39 pm [add a comment]

...the wannabe limo-liberal functions desperately in guilt free service to conservative forces

does this mean youve stopped watching "cribs?"

thats necessicary you the "u" part of yuppie

this is devolving into an odd couple sketch.

design*sponges post the day after the election was priceless.

i have no idea why this is relevant.

there is at some point a crossover even if its unwitting.

i dont want to die, either.
- dave 5-04-2005 10:41 pm [add a comment]

i dont want [this thread] to die, either.

nows as good a time as any.

- bill 5-04-2005 10:47 pm [add a comment]

id hate to revive this thread (ahhh, good times), but i thought you might be interested in this if you havent seen it.
- dave 12-13-2005 6:21 pm [add a comment]

i did. did you see this? (click aric chen)

- bill 12-13-2005 6:40 pm [add a comment]

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