Camouflaged in the color of blue sky, an unmanned balloon was launched last month on a simple mission: to capture with its dangling camera the view from 1,400 feet above the future site of the Freedom Tower. The idea was to show potential tenants how much of the world they would see out of their office windows if only they would sign on the dotted line.

- bill 7-22-2005 9:26 pm

I get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach whenever I think of another oversized tower on that location. New at the temporary transit hub: a glassed-in booth near the entrance to the E train where survivors go into a soundproof chamber and tell their stories into a digital recorder. I shit you not! It's run by some nonprofit called StoryCorps dot whatever and it looks like something out of Logan's Run or Sleeper.
- tom moody 7-22-2005 10:00 pm [add a comment]

storycorps started out in grand central as a location for two people supposedly someone and their older friend or relative to record an oral history. im all for that. cant say i was aware of the destinctive booth design. npr has been rebroadcasting some of the stories.

- bill 7-22-2005 10:23 pm [add a comment]

The one at the WTC is less flashy, which makes it eerier. It's like a glass robo-confessional. On the exterior of the one in the WTC, near the entrance to the booth, are all the logos of donors, corporate and governmental, that are backing StoryCorps. Hence my somewhat jaundiced spin that "your leadership doesn't want you suing the Saudis when their boys run wild with planes in this country, but it'll give you a glass booth to tell your troubles to."
- tom moody 7-22-2005 10:30 pm [add a comment]

meant to mention these stories via daves limo liberal friends over at curbed. someone over there also pointed out that som has posted their reinforced design for the base of the freedom bunker. it will take some navigating but rewarding in the end.

- bill 7-22-2005 10:48 pm [add a comment]

I can't get past the gratuitous splash page. When I click enter the site nothing happens.
- tom moody 7-22-2005 11:22 pm [add a comment]

sorry its gone now. vivid and virtual, but pulled for some reason. embarisment ?
- bill 7-22-2005 11:38 pm [add a comment]

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