nyt format change

- bill 4-03-2006 9:56 pm

i hated it when ms grey added color and more sections to the paper. online i really want everything on the front page not tucked into departments you have to click to open. this change looks like less info on the front page. thats not an improvement to my thinking.
- bill 4-03-2006 10:00 pm [add a comment]

The gradual transition to the USAToday model continues.
- tom moody 4-03-2006 10:06 pm [add a comment]

"The New York Times on the Web, which is owned by The New York Times Co, has been considering charging for years and is expected to make an announcement soon about its plans.

In January, the Times' website had 1.4 million unique daily visitors. Its daily print circulation averaged 1,124,000 last year, down from its peak daily circulation of 1,176,000 in 1993."

- selma 4-03-2006 10:31 pm [add a comment]

way less info, harder to read due to small, horrid-blue, font size.
- steve 4-04-2006 7:50 pm [add a comment]

plus they hand out two competing free newspapers at my path stop to am commuters. thats got to impact them as well.
- bill 4-04-2006 8:11 pm [add a comment]

Charging for the Web--I guess Times Select is really raking in the bucks. I know how much we're all discussing Krugman and Dowd now.
- tom moody 4-04-2006 8:19 pm [add a comment]

I know you mean beyond the tree, blog entrys on times op ed have all but died.
- steve 4-04-2006 9:44 pm [add a comment]

ive seen a number of krugman references to his most recent oped, and i read somewhere that modo is on another book-writing sabbatical.

that said, i think they may have been more important to the blogosphere before it was generating its own content. they are relevant by virtue of their position with the times but the times has dimished importance, particularly as opinion-wielders. they might still be considered vital within their echo-chamber but the voices outside are getting louder and louder.
- dave 4-04-2006 11:25 pm [add a comment]

And better and better. I really think blogging gives the lie to a major assumption I grew up with, which is that the "best" writers and thinkers get on board with the major media, or academic journals, and if you don't get one of those slots you aren't "good enough."

In fact there is a huge reservoir of talent out there--people who were held back because they didn't meet the right people, don't want to work 60 hours a week, or don't feel like taking it up the ass (so to speak) to satisfy some vain editor.

If there are dozens of Krugmans out there, who we had just been prevented from reading (in their own voices or otherwise) but now can, free of charge, why oh why would anyone subscribe to Times opinion columns. (Newsgathering is a different issue--having resources can help there.)
- tom moody 4-05-2006 1:38 am [add a comment]

I find it bizarre that they would sell ad space next their titlepiece. Terminology watch: ear pieces.
- mark 4-06-2006 4:33 am [add a comment]

guess the next step is open source policy papers: (from the 'crashing the gates' nyrbooks review

When we consider Kos's own Web site and its numerous links to other blogs, we see something like an expanding hive of communication, a collective intelligence. And the results can be impressive. A writer with the pen name (mouse name) Jerome à Paris, for instance, organized dozens of other Kossacks interested in energy policy to write an energy plan that I find far more comprehensive and thoughtful than anything the think tanks have produced. It's been read and reshaped by thousands of readers; it will serve as a useful model should the Democrats retake Congress and have the ability to move legislation. The blogs began as purely reactive and bloggers still spend much of their energy responding to the "mainstream media." But a kind of proto-journalism is emerging, and becoming steadily more sophisticated. If you want to understand (albeit with plenty of spin) the ins and outs of Scooter Libby's defense in the Plamegate trial, for instance, the place to go is Firedoglake.

- dave 4-11-2006 6:49 pm [add a comment]

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