We have an association of cabin owners TPCOA that have shares to the 67 acre property. Annual dues are about $750 /year and is classified as a summer residence only (1 April - 1 Nov) when the 3 park water pumps are on. We have dumpsters by the dam all year around as you can come up weekends in winter for ice skating. My place is insured for $62,400 but I'm selling for $55,000 + $30,000 land share owner. I like this better than any cabin here. The location is 125 Shawn Lane, as seen in the pics, in the middle of the park.

The Tohickon Creek is stocked twice in spring and summer with trout and has white water rafting and kyacking in the fall.
via adman
- bill 2-29-2008 4:38 pm

"tree" clubhouse? ok whos in? it only floods occasionally. 1 1/2 hours from nyc. down the road from adman (bro). ive been watching this cabin community and wondering what the numbers were. its a wonderful setting on a mill pond and falls views. looks like it could be close to year round. its cinderblock!
- bill 2-29-2008 6:03 pm [add a comment]

i looks like its sitting in the millpond at times. maybe they should be reenacting the tribulations of noah instead of washington.
- dave 2-29-2008 9:41 pm [add a comment]

Bud's Bungalow Description is worth a read in it's entirety at: http://www.proscrippro.org/Bungalow/Describe.html

"The bathroom is unusual. In the mid 1980's, the walls were so cold that frost coated the bathroom walls like a fairy room. Pretty but so cold. The pipes wouldn't survive so I had heat tape for winter but I paneled - poor term - really put outdoor special water draining brown carpeting on the walls, even in the shower. It worked wonders on keeping the bathroom warm and many thought of mildew in back of rugs, no - surprised me too."
- Adman (guest) 2-29-2008 11:04 pm [add a comment]

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