hand rail / guard rail

kee lite fittings

- bill 6-11-2008 4:54 am

Retarded question time (why am I suddenly embarrassed over being retarded?): That's what pipefitters do? They fit pipe wth pipe fittings?
- L.M. 6-11-2008 5:11 am [add a comment]

right. they (pipe fitters) fit pipe together. its a system of tap and die (male and female) connections. with the purpose of running pressurized liquid or gas through. various threaded elbow fittings are used to make corners and angled turns in the pipe run, threaded extension connectors are also used to connect pipe lengths for longer runs.

these fittings speed the process of joining pipe with set screws but make leaky connections, but since its just safety rail it doesnt matter.
- bill 6-11-2008 1:14 pm [add a comment]

I didn't find pricing. distributors.
- adman 6-11-2008 5:33 pm [add a comment]

justin sent in these two links:



thanks man!
- bill 6-11-2008 8:23 pm [add a comment]

easy fit

wagnerrail tm


glass rail

- bill 6-11-2008 9:36 pm [add a comment]

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