timberframe cabin project via materialicious
I've started on a timberframed cabin project. I'm making the parts here in Nebraska, and hauling them out to some land in the Sierra Madre Mountains of Wyoming (about a mile from the Continental Divide near Encampment) where I will assemble them into a small cabin. The site is on the edge of the Medicine Bow National Forest, and has a small stream running across it. That cabin will be where I stay and keep my tools as I build a larger cabin over the next decade or so.
the above quote was from when he was just getting started and now hes pretty well finished up the cabin, so you can review the whole construction process start to completion. well done. nice project.

- bill 11-25-2008 3:18 pm

Thanks for the kind words. It is kind of nice to read someone saying I'm almost done. It still feels like there is lots of work to do, though of course with the current weather it will be a while until much gets done. Anyway, Thanks! Mark
- mvr (guest) 12-18-2008 5:43 am [add a comment]

you are an inspiration and a reminder that only hard works gets these projects to completion. thanks for keeping a blog!

- bill 12-18-2008 12:38 pm [add a comment]

are there bears??
- Skinny 12-18-2008 2:02 pm [add a comment]

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