My dad had one of these, gold paint.

- steve 6-25-2016 7:29 pm

Before that he had a '67 Mustang fastback with white paint.

- steve 6-25-2016 7:30 pm [add a comment]

our 'tang was a 67' non-fast back in snot green. that was a great year for the fast back. perhaps the last or next to last before they went big. gold was a big color for the cougar. vinyl top?

- bill 6-26-2016 8:30 am [add a comment]

Yeah, vinyl top with a 4 speed. My dad leased three mustangs a '65, '66 and '67. He bought the Cougar and in 1970 bought an Audi 100 LS

- steve 6-26-2016 11:24 am [add a comment]

- Skinny 6-26-2016 11:26 am [add a comment]

see thats a pretty nice one skinny. 289 as per fender badge. special order wheels too.
- bill 6-26-2016 11:34 am [add a comment]

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